Schmitty Day

It’s not just the White House. Democrats are pointing out that Kavanagh blatantly lied to the Senate multiple times under oath, and they’re basically just, “Yeah, but he’s a made man. You can’t touch him.”

A global crime family would be a hellva lot more competent than these fools...hence their globalness...

I found this headline to be much more trashy and manipulative than a typical Jezebel headline, and was sincerely surprised. Titles like this are why I refuse to read BuzzFeed. So far all my comments have been approved, so if this one isn’t at least we know why.

I’m from New York city and I cringe each time these assholes claim that’s where they come from.

It would support Young MC running in 2020, but Kanye? Hard pass.

These kinda people are not only “touching black people”. They’re just people who are clueless. They don’t “get” boundaries. To them, it’s a friendly thing. You don’t like it, I understand. But, to them, they’re doing something that is friendly. Two cultures-two frames of mind.

These fucking people only see us as angry thugs, lazy dependents, or child like beings that should be grateful for everything.

White woman on my job wanted to touch my hair.
She said, “It looks so soft.”
I said, “Can I rub on your pregnant belly?”
“See? Same thing.”

This is why I’m still angry at all the people who *just couldn’t!* bring themselves to vote. Elections. Fucking. Have. Consequences.


Before this law was proposed, some funeral homes would offer people who miscarried a free, charitable cremation of the fetal remains. Hopefully they will feel able to do so again without being overwhelmed by mandatory fetus funerals.

I live in Texas and miscarried recently. I felt like shit but was grateful that this law wasn’t in effect, because having to make burial or cremation plans would have pushed me over the edge. AG Ken Paxton can kiss my ass.

It’s especially funny because where would Donald Trump even BE if it weren’t for Twitter?

I can’t get over how everyone in that room managed to not make a single face or sound until the very end when he finished—that’s a level of ‘I’ve seen so much shit, nothing phases me any more’ that I didn’t realize was possible.

I am glad to know that ‘catsuit’ is her own term! I still kind of wish people would write about it like “The unitard, which Ms. Williams calls her ‘catsuit’ which is awesome for her but I am not touching that, was called into question by French dickwads today...” but I am not a journalist, so who am I to say?

You’re right! Personally I went with “catsuit” because Serena used the term herself to describe her outfit (I think because of the superhero vibes) but it’s basically a unitard.

Ah yes, this full body, ankle length, unitard is less respectful than the itty bitty white tennis skirts that barely cover the players’ vulvas.

Am I showing my age (having grown up with 2nd wave feminish) that I can’t stand it when people refer to this as a ‘catsuit’? Do wrestlers wear minicatsuits? If a male tennis player wanted to wear a singlet (like a wrestler) or a unitard (like a speed skater), would it be discussed with such casually sexualizing

She makes them feel so puny and pathetic. She makes them feel so weak and insecure. She walks out on that court, looking like that, dominating the sport like that, and they cannot handle it. The only thing they can do to try and diminish her power and her greatness is some bullshit dress code? SUFFER, FRENCH TENNIS