Kim Kardashian West, who has never even BEEN to Donda’s House and who knows damn well that she isn’t going to be going to ANYBODY’S South Side to put in the work and help those kids, can go straight to fucking hell.
Kim Kardashian West, who has never even BEEN to Donda’s House and who knows damn well that she isn’t going to be going to ANYBODY’S South Side to put in the work and help those kids, can go straight to fucking hell.
Hahahahaha yesssss me too
I harbor similar feelings of gratitude, for Beyoncé and her athletic thighs. Media images have an impact, and representation matters.
Seriously. Unless the ex is explicit about wanting you to keep an heirloom, you give it back. Enter the value in the splitting of assets, but give the heirloom back.
I remember how much Cameron Diaz’s absent butt was venerated in that underwear dance scene. I never got what the deal was and yet fell a bit shitty because even at a preteen/earlyteen I had Tina Fey at age 45 hips.
Do you think the sweater is still around? (V. Weird question I know)
He’s obviously trying to inflict pain since he could’ve easily asked for the value of the guitar’s estimated sale price in the settlement. Based on previous sale and auction prices for rockstar’s guitars, Kurt’s could’ve possibly fetched up to $1M which Bean would’ve probably much rather parted with then her dead…
Regarding J Lo being told to lose weight, in the article she explained that she came up in the industry when size zero was venerated. This rings true. I was early in high school when she wore her Versace dress. Charlie’s Angels came out the same year as her dress, and I distinctly recall reading a very adoring piece…
You know why. If I got that guitar I’d probably sleep with it every night.
I can perfectly visualize the guitar without even googling a pic of it. Him sitting there with his long blonde hair covering half his face and grandpa sweater, hunched over the guitar strumming away.
It’s really such a dick move to keep someone’s dead dad’s guitar, I honestly can’t believe it.
Have you ever seen the X Files episode told alternately from Mulder and Scully’s points of view? And Luke Wilson is in it? And when Mulder tells the story Luke Wilson is a hillbilly with buck teeth? Because it could be like that. Some of us are Scullys and others are Mulders. The Mulders of the world just don’t see…
Nobody who’s Jewish in any meaningful way calls themselves “part Jewish”.
How the hell is that abuse-apologist troll in the black?
More like Bae-hill, right? I think someone already has a blog to that effect—is it you?
He has strong hands! A sander has to be pretty heavy, right? He’s holding from the top with one hand. Impressive.
Yes! If they’re getting poop on their fingers they’re doing it wrong! Also, forget wiping a baby’s butt, if they’re so concerned with poopy nails, wtf do they people with long nails do when they wipe their own grown-up behinds???