Aw, thanks! That's so sweet! How did you know?
Aw, thanks! That's so sweet! How did you know?
I don’t think they are. But they’re free. So the “soldiers fought for your freedom” argument may feel good, but it's certainly not true.
Seriously. How are so many people blind to this propaganda? It’s straight-up Orwellian.
Fuuuuuuuuck that. Yeah, a lot of people have died in foreign wars at the behest of this country, but none of those wars had to do with your “freedom.” They had to do with global politics and hegemony. The Swiss share all the “freedoms” that you do, without all the flag-humping jingoism.
I like where your head is at!
Not a single doubt that will happen.
Don't the Swiss also have the same freedom of speech? Pretty sure they haven't fought for shit.
Just came across this yesterday. A buddy said they played it at Wrigley last weekend and brought the house down. Rightly so!
Fuck that. A piece of cloth hasn't given me shit. The fact that I live in a developed nation, of which there are many, is why I have the freedom to speak out.
Yup. It’s a matter of perspective. To some, a cross is a symbol of hope and salvation; to others it’s a medieval torture device; to still others it’s a symbol of occupation and oppression. To the people for whom Colin is speaking (not necessarily himself, mind you, because he happens to possess that all-to-rare trait…
8 to 24 would be an appropriate sentence.
Fair points, all. I’ll admit that I’m biased by my age. The first election where I could vote was 2000. I had no real understanding of politics at that point, and didn’t vote because things were generally good and it didn’t seem to matter. (Alternate theory: I was in college and just wanted to get fucked up and/or…
Yep. I am socially liberal in the same way Libs are, the same way most Gawker readers are. The Dems I choose to support generally are as well. You’re right that Hillary falls short on a few, which is why I’ll vote for her only begrudgingly. But I can’t support a candidate or party that wants to dismantle social safety…
It’s not inconceivable. Ask yourself this: would this increase Trump’s fame and/or fortune? I think maybe! He's going to be pretty hard up for attention after the election. Could you see him even just making this up for a story?
So what happens when he comes out after the election and admits it (hypothetically)? What do all of his unhinged, racist marks say/do when they realize they’ve been duped? How does the GOP respond? What does that do to Hillary’s ability to lead? What a fucking mess that all would be!
Weed, abortion, and gay marriage-ing. Oh, and less warmongering and less Jeebus. That's five more issues I have in common with them than I do the repubs. Still not enough.
Nah. The racists who make up his base aren't bailing because of this. You forget. The thing that appalls you, dear Kinjaite, is exactly what his supporters applaud.
Bingo. Star.