
Perhaps indicative of failure of joke?

Ugh. Now I have to find another voter to combat your... Ignorance? Sure, let's go with that.

I've missed you.

Why is existence an end in itself? It's a waste of resources to bring these creatures into the world in the first place! Better to make the argument for you and I!

Cuz dogs are awesome and hoses are bullshit. That's my take, as someone who spent their childhood shoveling stalls.

So, the Applebee’s of your shitty mall’s foot court? Not so bad, relatively.

I'll take drowning in said river.

It’s funny to watch you third tier cities and your petty feuds.

Was just thinking that. Let’s see what Thibs can do with these guys.

Ooh. Hadn't considered that angle! Honestly haven't read much into it, but you just know a few of these sleaze balls are involved in something similar, if not these Panama Papers.

I know. :-(


Please include a presidential candidate or two...

Wow. I'd really like to understand this. Why?

Sweet bro, get your laptop, let's go.

I don't know who this is or what this is from, but I love it and her so much.

This is the perfectest. What a turd.

This was great fun. Thanks for playing, Kara. I'll swing on Jezebel way to check out some more of your stuff.

My favorite thing about this video is it means Heinrich is not (currently) a Bull. Then again, even in his grave he'll put forth more effort than this bunch of gutless chumps.

That you, as an English teacher, couldn’t answer those questions explains why my inbox so often makes me cringe.