
It would not be that bad. Workers at a Volkswagon plant in Tennessee are non union. A union tried to weasel their way in. The workers said no. They negotiate just fine without them. Unions are now just another business. This is coming from a union guy.

What a dick for having an opinion that liberal websites don’t agree with. Also, reporters are the worst. With their thinking that their question, which is the same as everyone elses, is the hottest of takes.

It is false to call it a Muslim ban though. People from India, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Indonesia, etc. Have no restrictions.

Poor Mr. Huff, don’t have an opinion that upsets people!

Buzzfeed is a credible source?

It’s obviously different because those are little rich kid assholes. The other are wonderful role models we should all look up to, so why would you not want to know who’s looking good?

I’m fine because i’m not a drama queen

It’s a bunch of kids talking about how they think about the opposite sex. This goes on ALL the time. I’m 35 and I still do it with my friends. Anyone who says they don’t is full of shit.

Probably none of em if they knew he wants all their money

Since Liberal Big Media doesn’t like Trump, they find it insane that people would be his friend or agree with some of his ideas. Honestly, who gives a flying fuck what Brady’s political interests are.

I’m glad all 2 of the great Muslim athletes spoke out