From Motociclismo
From Motociclismo
Hello gang. Would love to chat some more about Top Gear things and shamelessly promote my new book but duty calls. Stay tuned to the usual Jalop channels though because I hope we might be able to do a proper Q&A type thing in the near future. Ithangyoo. Richard
If you notice he shot him below the waist, so it’s not attempted murder. That’s very intelligent on his part: he knows the law.
I’ll cry if kinja actually let’s this video play.
Yup. I have the Ryobi 4 stroke and the blower, edger, and tiller attachments. This feels more like an ad then an article.
Stihl has a 4- stroke version of their Kombi-system. It’s been on the market for several years.
Vince Wilfork for President.
This is another one of those confused ‘customs’ that happen when the builder doesn’t have a vision.
“Those lines are painted with cars in mind because cars cannot accelerate as quickly as motorcycles.”
Those lines are painted with cars in mind because cars cannot accelerate as quickly as motorcycles. In my mind that means it’s not necessarily unsafe to pass. As you can see from the video, he could see there was no one coming and that it was safe.
Turns out, the engineer had something to say about this very subject:
I bet he’s wearing Reebok Pumps that are inflated WAY over the allowed limit. Typical Patriot cheating.
To be fair, the life of a fullback really is all about the run after contact.
The baby will probably have a bruise on their head, but it could have been much worse. Thank God the fans were only throwing light beer cans.
I got e-mails (“Dear Doug, can you take your Skyline to CarMax?”). I got text messages (“Hey man, take your Skyline to CarMax!”). I got YouTube comments (“u should of taken ur skyline asshole”).
Clearly, you know nothing about the science behind actual time travel. 88 MPH is a very important figure in flux-capacitor based time travel, as it is the lowest factor of C allowing for a 1.21 GW temporal-capacitive reaction. Time travel could certainly be achieved at a lower factor of C, but it carries an…