Yes, this.
Yes, this.
Yes, a round is a bullet.
Franco’s dad talks about it to Rent and Franco in one of the later chapters in the book.
I’m jealous of people who can use eyeliner regularly. I get hard, painful bumps on my waterline if I wear eye makeup more than occasionally. Doesn’t matter the brand of makeup, what kind of cleanser I use, or how briefly I wear it. Ugh.
Very strange.
How... odd?
I rarely use it but I do.
I’ll defend anything with Iggy Pop in it.
I had to quit my job when my baby was born because childcare costs almost as much as I made. If I factored in carting her to and from, switching to formula, and all the extra doctor visits then I’m not sure I would have been coming home with anything at all. It’s a miserable choice.
People don’t see the problems of these areas for what they really are. It’s easy to cast rednecks as villains deserving of their struggles if you only imagine them as Confederate flag flying bigots rather than people who have been undereducated, impoverished, and experiencing region-wide economic stagnation for…
This gif tho...
The dickfork head only needs an artisanal wooden handle to complete your “chasing off the Frankenstein’s monster (but he’s made of foreskin)“ look.
Keychains and nightshirts and clothes for your poodle
Yes, that too.
My six month old refuses to nap or be put down today so I made a one-handed peanut butter on whole grain sandwich and ate it while pretending that my life isn’t a miserable pastiche of redundancy and diapers.
Can we just make IUDs affordable and available for all women now?