Sigh. I would totally want this job. And I have an MFA.
Sigh. I would totally want this job. And I have an MFA.
The Canadian system — wherein the "Age of Consent" is 16, but people 14 and up can still consent to sex with a partner, provided that partner is within 5 years of their own age — makes more sense.
With pubic hair and looking fab, I may add. (Sorry, the move toward bare just ughghsdhasldajks. OW.)
This reminds me of how Madonna was an incredibly provocative pop star.
Oh man, I feel so old Callie didn't get the George Michael/Madonna pair. It's made even worse by the fact that I don't know who The Blondes are. I'm just going to sit in the corner and fondly remember the good old days, from so long ago, the 90s.
In all seriousness, though, I wonder why it's so taboo (for lack of a better word) for pregnancy test commercials to acknowledge that not everyone wants to be pregnant? I think I've seen ONE commercial that featured a person who was relieved to not be pregnant and they still had to frame it as "I want kids, but just…
Haha yes do it! Then after it you can write #sushi #vodka #skinnyjeans and all the other awesome things non-pregnant ladies get to enjoy
As someone who didn't want to be pregnant and then used Clear Blue to find out I think that this should be their slogan, "When you are so confused in your self denial about being pregnant that you aren't even able to read a pregnancy test that you need it spelled the fuck out for you. Clear Blue will be there for you…
Every month I'm so relieved to find out I'm NOT pregnant I shout it across the house to my husband. I've got a feeling that a higher percentage of women who use these tests are happier to see negative results.
I find that, at least where I live, men's clothing options have really expanded - however I live in an urban area with large gay AND Asian populations, which may both have a big impact on the offerings here. Generally, though, I agree - and it doesn't help that so many of the more popular brands of jeans have so much…
I appreciate your point about pockets, my GF is often getting me to carry stuff for her but I just take having lots of mobile storage space on me for granted. On the other hand though, at least you have lots of choice with clothing. Most male clothing, especially pants, are really generic and similar. I actually get…
No, no, I TOTALLY carry a ton of shit, from beauty related to gross to totally random, but the list from the Telegraph was so curated and so beauty and brand focused that it seems laughably unreal.
Yes, the average woman has John Lewis gloves and a John Lewis purse in their handbags, along with a John Lewis makeup kit and John Lewis tampons and John Lewis condoms and John Lewis Luna Bars and a John Lewis John Lewis.
I bought my purse at a flea market and it came with a used diaphragm. So, value is obviously priceless.
Well, we got that out of the way rather quickly, who's up for a round of drinks?
Jeez, she didn't say anything negative about your thigh gap; she was talking about being perfectly happy with her own lack of thigh gap, because that's not how her body is built or what she wants for her body and she's okay with that, despite external pressures and criticism. Her love for her body type doesn't mean…
It's whatever makes you feel bad about your own body.