
People. PEOPLE. This is a troll. A funny one. Like the comment about how only mutants should write X-Men. #wtf

Ha! My sarcasm meter must have been off. Nice troll.

Also he's a man. Also he's not Shannen Koostachin. Only Shannen Koostachin should be allowed to write representations of Shannen Koostachin.

God, I hope you're trolling.

Wow, hyperbole much? Also, by that logic, people should stop telling Lena Dunham to diversify the cast of Girls, and the racists who complained about Rue and Cinna being black in the Hunger Games were totally justified.

"he was a man who acted like a woman."

all i can think when i look at this is "ah, yes, what poised and well-cultured ZOMBIE FODDER."

Go to ANY steampunk event. Look at what I wore

I'm going to pretend this is the world's largest en masse lesbian wedding, and you can't stop me.

I love Prince Philip precisely because he is so utterly mad. He's not just racist, he just manages to say things which offend every single demographic in existence. In fact, I don't think people even get offended by him, they're all just like "Oh Prince Philip, you fucking daft, inbred crazy old man".

My cousin Claire is essentially a brunette version of Gwyneth Paltrow, right down to the fat-shaming, macrobiotic monomania and $200 cashmere socks. She gives out mini boxes of All-Bran cereal to trick-or-treaters in her fabulously wealthy Toronto neighbourhood, I shit you not.

Psst, hey fat kids: you didn't hear it from me, but I hear shaving cream sprayed on car paint can really leave a permanent message, if you know what I mean. Also, did you know your local butcher will sell you all sorts of delightful organ meats in bulk? Maybe you have a local neighbor you'd like to share this fun

So why doesn't she just hand out bags of low-sodium nuts or pomegranates or something that sends a healthy message? Or, much cheaper than that, she could just turn off her porch light and choose not to participate. But she wouldn't choose either of these options because her desire is to shame children for being

Paul's Epistle to the Bigots 6:27

How'd they know?


I love that homophobes are rightfully being made to look like nutcases nowadays. Some friends of mine, a two-mom family with five kids, moved to a small suburb. They braced themselves for homophobia, and instead found that the sole homophobic family was the one being shunned instead. The homophobes were (rightfully)

'Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these,you did not do for me.'

Don't have money: "Work hard like the rest of Americans, darkie! Stop complaining!"

Really? A personal choice about what or what not to purchase is a better question than racism??