My god. Thank you for sharing your story. And thank you for being honest about the pressure to have a so-called thick skin when it comes to degrading, sexist, and sometimes violent behavior. We've been taught for so long to just take it. All of it.
My god. Thank you for sharing your story. And thank you for being honest about the pressure to have a so-called thick skin when it comes to degrading, sexist, and sometimes violent behavior. We've been taught for so long to just take it. All of it.
HIPAA violations are MAJOR. There are medical privacy laws for REASONS. That idiot Rawls is fucked.
Not to go all goth hipster here, but I grew up with a better class of horror. Slenderman is the SyFy original movie of Horror memes.
I dunno. There was no internet when I was a kid, but I lived with my nose in a book. I didn't have many friends, so books were my entertainment. Still understood the difference between fact and fiction, even when I was very small. I don't get it.
Tracy also conveniently left out this quote by Lenore Skenazy: "by far, the most dangerous thing you did to your child that day was put him in a car and drive someplace with him. About 300 children are injured in traffic accidents every day — and about two die. That's a real risk. So if you truly wanted to protect…
Thank you. I don't want to live in a world where people are calling the cops on each other just in case. Use your common sense!
It makes no sense to compare what Brooks did with the people profiled in Weingarten's excellent piece. They are completely different scenarios, and it undercuts your argument to put them in the same league. Regardless, I have no problem whatsoever with what Brooks did. You don't need to "tell everyone it's totally OK…
Your headline and opener don't really match up. "We're not judging you, but for crissakes, why would you do that?!"
What a stupid thing to say.
Today's heart(and pants)warming story of sweet payback for someone who really had it coming is brought to you by The…
Absolutely. There are also other factors that I can think of - generally a steak comes with sides, which can mean many more plates to bring out and more stuff to time carefully - but I don't think any of that would have mattered to the person asking.
No, Catholics certainly do not. But it should also be noted that Irish Catholics are a whole 'nother level of fucked up, above your typical, birth-control-using American Catholic. The level of uptight Catholic fervor in Ireland is pretty terrifying.
Catholic evil strikes again in Ireland. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? You're 'supposed' to be Christians?!
First of all, I didn't see anyone call you a cunt. If I had, I'd've dismissed it in a heartbeat (I'm assuming you did). Second, THAT sort of comment gets an immediate dismissal, because it's not worth conversing with someone who would do that. Think about the fact that I'm choosing to ask you nicely, and continue to…
I worked for several years as a barista at Starbucks. Once during a major, major rush a man skipped the line and register and came right up to me at the end of the bar where I was making drinks and tells me his tale. Apparently he had been in the day before and had gotten frappuccinos for himself and his wife and…