
I prefer my waffles with ice cream stuffed in them.

They're either on their way too Taco Bell and thus excited, or from Taco Bell and thus signaling to the driver that they need a bathroom stop, like, immediately.

At my old job we would get some snacks and stuff in the break room that we had too much of [I worked at Target] and one night we had the candy corn Oreos. The shame I felt at being the only one at my table eating and enjoying them was excruciating.

I want to lick this spot SO bad. I don't know why.

What kind of hyper-sexualized breakfast food Dickensian childhood was this?

In 5th grade, I learned an olde-tymey classic song, it went like this:

Not sure. Pregnancy is terrifying in any society, and it is a particularly fraught concept for young woman in a rough economy whose political landscape is dominated by talk of an uncertain global future and demonization of basic reproductive choices. Add in body issues as a major focus of the media and you can have

I see this attitude so often on here. "I made smart choices and did x/y/z right so clearly these other people are unmotivated moochers/morons/losers." I graduated a long time ago, but still remember the depressing sinking of the soul that followed college as I tried to find a decent McJob with the expensive degree

Only you, huh?

I make a lot of money, and my wife makes a fair amount and will make much more in the near future. And I sometimes sit here and go, "how the hell do people afford to get by around here?" I'm not complaining personally, as our finances are solid and I have no real financial concerns. I'm just amazed that people can

Maybe you should look up today's tuition and employment rates. Or, you know, read anything.

you seem to be of the mindframe that millenials should get over their debt problems because the way you handled paying for school worked out. but what if others don't have access to the options you had? many of us do work during school, though some of us just can't because that's the nature of the program. i

Not all people have the same options. I made it through undergrad mostly unscathed, but had to take debt to get through grad school because my program didn't allow part-time.


I was a first generation college student, worked my ass off, and raised by my single, mechanic, blue collar Dad. I am in massive debt because at 18, I had no clue what I was signing. Same story goes for the majority of poor kids from my neighborhood who got into college and went, blindly signing loans on the promise

And that's great, but some programs don't allow that. If you want to be a teacher you have to student teach. It's a full time job that you have to pay to work, and you can't become a teacher without doing it. Same with a lot of other jobs (like medical residencies).

but what if we did take lower course loads and worked and scrimped and still have major outstanding loans? what's your catchall for that?

In short: The bootstraps are wearing thin.

tuition is also climbing. I was a freshman in 2001. Back then, you could comfortably pay your tuition by working and going to school.