
I actually thought that South Park made a great point with Scientology: the problem isn't the beliefs of the followers, but the way that the organization itself abuses them. They were very generous in the fact that they didn't make the followers themselves into the assholes. I miss when South Park was still at its

If all of us worked together to stop using it we would have an effect on modern day vocabulary.

The best, truest words ever spoken on television: "Chicks dig body glitter." Thank you for reminding the world of the greatest episode of true life ever.

At Freshpair, an online store, buttocks-enhancing underwear accounts for more than 6 percent of men’s underwear sales, up from less than 1 percent five years ago, according to Matthew Butlein, the president of the company.

I demand more pictures to go along with this story!

One of the recipients says that he feels more "synergistic?" Was he an asshole before the butt surgery, or is that a side effect?

Hands-down worst use of the word synergistic. Period.

I am SO GLAD you talked about Luke. I was thinking about that True Life episode the ENTIRE time I was reading this. I could even picture him hobbling to the door with the walker to get his pizza.

A local radio station mentioned the parody today. They played a clip and were all, "Oh that's nice! I usually don't like remakes but that one is pretty good!" UH HELLO MORNING SHOW HOSTS you are missing the point all over the place.

A bit off topic, but I think Mod Carousel sounds better than Robin Thicke. I would much rather hear their version on the radio than his. Anyone else with me?

I shudder to think of the comments on the parody video, now that I think of it... YouTube comment sections are bad, bad places.

I just want to flail and yell and throw myself on the ground in a tantrum.


I sense you're about to be dogpiled on, so I'll at least say that you're right on.

They weren't deep fried? I call bullshit!


Babies only turn black after they're born to bad people, so then the government doesn't need to worry about them anymore.

Better check your candy bag - you might be pregnant.

""My six-year-old took one look at the thing in her candy bag and said, 'That's a baby!'"

Everyone knows a fetus is white, male and Christian while in utero. That's how they get so much Republican love.

Only white precious fetuses need saving apparently.