
This completely destroyed me. Amazing.

I love love love Malin + Goetz. It’s not convenient in that it’s not a solid, but it stays on FOREVER, even after eating and drinking, and it feels amazing on my dry lips. I live in Miami, but work in an office, so my skin is a mess at the end of the day. This stuff helps my lips not be cracked or chapped.

That’s me too! I found success in The Diva rise at Old Navy, super short on most people, perfect for me at the time (caution to big butts, you might tug up a tad). Then I gained weight and went up to The Sweetheart because bless my soul I’m a fat little fuck now and need that belly coverage.

Remember the high school athletes that were dating? And the older girl was like, suspended and forced to stay away from her girlfriend while charges were pending? I can’t recall knowing who made that a police issue...the younger girl’s parents? It’s making me think back on any other statutory cases I may know of...

It’s true, my mom and sisters would always go to a family owned salon for something like near ten years. We actually followed the same family around three cities and like five storefronts just to keep working with them! They watched us graduate high school, college, did our nails for prom even! It’s totally possible

Aw man I'm sorry they didn't work for you :( I personally need those giant platforms in order to walk stable in heels due to a knee injury so her brand is a fairly cheap and still well-constructed way for me to get tons of height and still not fall :P have you tried Santana's brand? His shoes are holy grail for my mom!

Her brand makes great shoes! And I have a few of her bras and they're not terrible.

Oh man I've seen this everywhere and I just figured it out

Oh, plot twist!

Good fucking lord we need to party

Crazy ex story time! My ex from high school (it was a complicated sex fueled relationship, never anything serious) was dating a girl about two years after we stopped talking and got engaged to her...we fucked a couple times while they were “just dating” and then about a year after that HE WAS IN PRISON FOR HAVING SEX

Irrelevant but I’ve gotten like ten messages from guys in Jamaica on OKC today so I find this double amusing because they keep saying “please travel to me I’m Jamaica” and all my whats at how this suddenly happened.

I'll have you know this is going on my Twitter. Immediately!

I really think it depends on the production level a school pays for. My high school and middle school pictures were all retouched to a degree. I'm a fairly light skinned Hispanic girl (have gotten lighter as the years go on) and I've had everything from my skin's yellow undertones darkened, lightened, added blush,

Dude are you serious? You sound as insane as someone who would suggest this for gay people, or people who've had abortions (are you starting to hear how you're coming across?)... They haven't committed a crime, they don't need their freedoms restricted (that's not very humanizing), this isn't the way to prevent sex

All of this brought memories of a graphic/sad SVU episode back. The guy was chemically castrated, treating with hormones and I believe the whole thing was triggered by a virtual kiddie porn site, he found and killed a girl in the same way the porn showed him to. We also talked about the whole virtual/simulated kid

I remember hearing they said nothing was done to them. But this was such a fucking blip compared to Cosby's coverage, I don't think it got traction like Raven's statement did.

Well, actually, I have to go meet with congress.

I once witnessed a drunk underage resident straddling and humping a bush, then there's the girl who handed me her bottle of wine with her name on it, I've had the fire extinguishers happen, we've had water spouts break with party dresses or ties hanging off them, naked kids running down the halls multiple times

What bullshit. My cousin lost her first child and had her second prematurely. She now is not only understandably traumatized, she supports MoD anyway she can. I'd kick someone's face in for making her feel like shit over that!