Right? I mean, I keep trying to drum up some feeling about finding out another human being was stabbed, then I remind myself that this piece of shit can only very loosely be defined as “human.”
Right? I mean, I keep trying to drum up some feeling about finding out another human being was stabbed, then I remind myself that this piece of shit can only very loosely be defined as “human.”
Right?? The Synthesis choice is body horror writ large, on a galactic scale.
“You have 30 seconds to comply!”
I saw this opening weekend in a theater in Toledo, OH (packed). At this moment, right after Smith punches the alien and says the line, some dude in the front row stood up, pointed at the screen and yelled, “Take THAT, you alien son of a bitch!”
To me, it always seemed like Jack would smell AWFUL.
And cover it in birdseed, so it’s constantly layered in shit.
There are spoilers out now. I won’t share them here, but they’re pretty easily found.
I’m with you on Tyson. And I guess I need to read up on this on the Root- thanks for the info!
Ah, the old (ye olde?) hysteria excuse- guys have been using this since ancient times!!! In the 19th century it was a bona-fide medical condition!
I dunno. Maybe the presidential campaign of two feeble, dubiously sentient old men limping across the national stage might be just what we need to get apathetic voters back to the polls?
Same. Between the threat of nukes and Catholic school, I always viewed the sky with anxiety- it’s either missiles or Jesus coming, and neither would be good news.
I’m still betting he’ll show up in Deadpool 3 as Hugh Jackman, not Wolverine. And that Wolverine will be played by somebody else entirely.
Trek also needs that kind of writing again.
These are the hard hitting questions I need answered!!
This dude needs a fucking shot all right...
I watched the opening to Peacemaker every damn time!!
That is an absolutely FANTASTIC idea!!
Yeah, I hate to say it, but- at that depth, with that kind of pressure? Those folks aren’t coming back.