
I currently have 235,141 miles on my 2014 Kia Optima. Granted that’s 90% highway driving, but it’s still significant.

I work two blocks away from Times Square, you think I’m not intimately familiar with the grotesque tragedy of humanity?!”

...but give them knives. And broadcast it live. 

The Velvet Fog is ETERNAL

“Should a Publicly Funded School Be Allowed to Require Girls to Wear Skirts?”

Yup. His response to Columbine is something that’s stuck with me through the years. Yeah, everything else about this dude is rank, but that answer? Spot on. 

Seconded. For sauce retention, rotini is second to none. 

Agreed 110%!!!

Yup. That made my day!!

THANK YOU! I was like, the Navy’s accepting 13 year olds now? 


Heh. Was gonna post this myself, but you beat me to it!!

“The Shark of the Covenant”!! I love it!!

You’ve seen the rest of it, haven’t you? 

Agreed. It’s too early for such bleakness. Here’s the rest of the panel. 

Agreed. I’ll never forget the first (of many) times I saw Titanic in the theater- there’s the love story, the mixing of classes and whatnot... then they fade to a shot of the ship sailing into the night, and I was like, OH SHIT, I forgot this sumbitch is going to sink!!!