
But her emails!

What about Coco?

This should be the top comment. 

Deep cut!

Uh, yes. Of course! <glances around nervously>


Don’t forget the Beastie Boys song!

I’ll admit I’m biased here, as the 1989 Toyota Supra was my first car. But I still think it’s a damn fine-looking automobile. 

Came here for this; was not disappointed. 

Ok, I feel like I need to see pics of Scorpion and Sub-Zero now, please. 

Here’s the thing:

Huh. I’ve seen that (excellent) flick 10s of times and never knew the People Eater’s name.

I’d be happier with term limits. 

Archie Goodwin’s stuff was AMAZING- that 6 (?) parter where they were on The Wheel, the giant gambling space station, was fantastic. I also have fond memories of Luke being shipwrecked on a water planet. 

I’m also fully vaccinated (with boosters!), but I got it anyway and it absolutely kicked my ASS. I can only imagine how awful it would’ve been if I hadn’t gotten the shot (or carrot symbol, if you prefer). 

He looks like diet Neil Patrick Harris

Yeah, I worked for Babbage’s in the early 90s for a couple of years (part time while I went to school), and while my wage remained pretty much static, the employee discount was pretty decent. Also, I don’t know if they allowed this at your place, but at mine we were allowed to take games home for a couple of days &

In Britney’s case it was more “old enough to wear whatever she was told to wear.”