
...I feel this comment would work better as a slideshow.

It just fills me with rage. I really WANT to focus on RBG’s legacy, and all the great stuff she did. I really want to. But all I can think of is what if- what if she’d retired when Obama was still in office? What if the Dems had smacked the Repugs down and gotten Merrick Garland into the court??

It’s all about the clicks!’s weird to say I missed anything about the lockdown, but as another essential worker, those ghost town roads were pretty nice, weren’t they? 

RIGHT??? God dammit. “When we return” it’ll get worked on. Sons of bitches. I look at that lousy scarf around her neck and like to think it’s a damn noose instead. Cold comfort. 

Oh, yes. I forgot to tell you — the twist exists at only one fast food franchie on the entire planet. A desolate, industrial franchise with awful, high-sodium food. The franchise is McDonald’s, also known as Macca’s (in Australia).

Same here- Granny Smiths are hard and bitter, just like me. 

Also, why the hell is the Ohio Department of Agriculture responsible for inspecting stuff like this?? 

Funny that you mention how dangerous these places are- Cedar Point (also in Ohio) just had an incident where a piece of metal off its Top Thrill Dragster flew off a car travelling at upwards of 75mph and hit a lady who was standing in line for the ride in the head:

<Insert why not both gif>

Yup. I misted up just reading the lines. The end of that flick gets me every time. 

It’s so annoying. I’m right there with you.

It was definitely garbage back then, but it was also ALL WE HAD. So there’s that.

I mean, if we had a commitment that he was going to film both flicks simultaneously, like they did with all three LOTR films, I’d be interested. But this seems like a recipe for failure- we’re going to get half a movie, it’s not going to do well at the box office, and it’ll remain unfinished.

...god dammit. 

Agreed on all points. I’ll get excited about this movie IF it makes enough $$$ to get a sequel done. Otherwise I’ll wait it out. It can be as gorgeous and amazing as all the people in it describe, but if it ends on a cliffhanger with no resolution, well, fuck that.