“I don’t like what you’re saying - therefore you are a troll!”
“I don’t like what you’re saying - therefore you are a troll!”
Just fyi, people that disagree with you aren't trolls. This particular poster is making rational arguments against your own, which is the very opposite of a fucking troll >.>
To be honest I feel like death is the easy way out for these people. Let them sit in supermax for the rest of their natural lives, I don't care about the psychological wellbeing of terrorists/mass shooters, particularly, so I don't feel any moral obligation to suggest he get executed to spare him anything.
Yeah I'm with you on that opinion. He showed no mercy to the innocent but we should show mercy to a killer?
So how does it work then? Jane Doe lives in a patriarchal society where she is generally taught to be submissive and generally discouraged from leadership roles, and therefore Jane Doe grows up to be *really* turned on by being dominated in the bedroom? Where does one even begin to connect the dots?
To say that a woman who likes to be submissive in the bedroom (and the bedroom only) is brainwashed by the patriarchy is absolutely ridiculous. Are straight people brainwashed by heterosexist norms, or is the fact that they’re straight completely unrelated to said norms?
See, this is my problem with this site and its commitment to 3rd wave choosing-my-choice feminism. I’m not talking about you or any other commenter as a consumer of porn; that’s your business and you can make your own decisions TYVM etc. But always, ALWAYS there is someone here to remind you that THE LADIES LOVE PORN…
There’s nothing wrong with the phrasing. Your interpretation is the only thing “forced” here.