Cowards like you that can’t defend their contradictions often do resort to calling their opposition trolls.
You just argued it didn’t play a significant role. You said it’s “complicated mix”, “various different influences” and “no single simple answer to predictably produce a certain type of person”.
Glad to hear you finally speaking reasonably.
I can’t think of anything more misogynist than telling women what they enjoy is wrong, especially when it comes to sex.
I’d rather you not commit a capital crime. Sounds like execution may actually deter you from doing so.
Like I said, they’re all innocent. Such a tragedy.
I’m in agreement. We executed men here in IL that weren’t guilty.
If only those oppressed women were as enlightened as you.
We all die.
And if this was Namibia, you’d have a point.
Mailing it in today, Clover?
Oh, there’s plenty of sexism right here. No need to go anywhere else, when Jezebel is rich enough in irony.
If the IRA were bombing planes today, I’d expect complications when attempting to fly, given my name and complexion.
Makes more sense than a caucasian octogenarian female.
In what universe is locking someone up and throwing away the key more humane than execution???
Since those on the right are pro-life, I fully expect to see them protesting this potential death penalty.
How transphobic of you!
Weird. Women ALSO have fantasies that align with “patriarchal” norms.