I don’t agree with Clarkson hating on Greta, but I think his message is valid. Why should we sit around and argue about how we are going to die and when we are going to die, instead of focusing on how to fix these issues?
This “side loaded brakes” thing makes literally zero sense. In order for it to flex enough to cause THAT much drag the wheel bearing and hub would have had to been broken or this would happen anytime anybody gets a little sideways because the dyno is not “forcing” it to track straight any more than a road would be…
I am terribly disappointed that the fire hydrant is not spewing water 80 feet in the air and dozens of children have not come to frolic in it. Another Hollywood myth shattered.
That is perhaps the WORST film technique that I have ever seen.
Of course he was, that is not my point. My point is she is a sack of shit troll with no decency.
Not even 24 hours after Sri Lanka, Omar tweeted Jecus was a Palestinian. She is a Islamist extremist sympathizer. She is also the far lefts version of Trump.
You don’t get to remove speech just because you don’t like it. Good for him for not yielding to the hysterical mob. It’s his goddam company and he can do what he wants. If you don’t like it then get off twitter - oh wait, none of you will!
Let it feed.
With a dachs-board!
If you think about it, carmaker’s target markets aren’t exclusively humans, even though humans tend to be the ones…
If not, who do we have to lobby to get rid of the 25 year import law?
When my cousin destroyed my aunt’s car in similar circumstances, the culprit was the transmission fluid. The fluid got so hot that either a seal or the cap was comprimised and sprayed a vapour of AT fluid all over the hot manifold.
And if guy got out of the car and tried to run and buddy with a gun shot him and killed him, how would you feel about this?
The author has an axe to grind about a gun getting involved.
Pulling a gun on someone you witnessed committing whats called a “forcible felony” until the police arrive is perfectly legal and in fact, a major reason we have civilian handgun carrying in this country. No need to go all “So-called good Samaritan” on him.