wait. how are maxi skirts inappropriate?
wait. how are maxi skirts inappropriate?
I had that skirt.
why can’t they just give in & sell clothes to the really immature adult women who were teens in the 90’s when dELiA*s was actually relevant?
because it’s women. minority women. not like it’s people we need to protect.
nope. I liked Aniston just fine until now.
omg this should be illegal
I freaked out the first time it happened too. Now my first assumption is always I got Kinja’d
I’ve seen a common Kinja glitch that sometimes briefly shows your username on someone else’s comment or your username on someone else’s comment. it usually corrects itself when you refresh. may not be a hack or a troll, just a glitch.
I think they’re ok with workers burning out in 5 years. That person’s no longer productive? Get rid of them & replace them with someone starting at a lower salary. Keep everyone desperate for work & they’ll never have to pay people what they need or deserve.
Jeb Bush, shut the fuck up. You go sit your ass down with Scott Walker. Your new job is to keep him quiet & his new job is to keep you quiet.
omg that would have been about the same as getting a pony
Addy was my favorite, but everyone assumed it was Molly!
my parents wouldn’t let me have a doll (because, money) but they would let me have the catalogs. I obsessed over those dolls. And all their stuff. Dolls had more stuff than me. They were amazing.
It’s terrible. But I love it.
Yes, please. Can we make this a thing?
I’ll check it out. I have to watch all the TV otherwise I might end up accidentally having a life.
well then I guess that’s not the show I asked for
this is what folks are telling me now, but that looks to be a scripted show about a fake reality show
wait, is this a reality show or scripted?
oh, I guess it turns out I won’t actually watch reality shows then