

Great points all around Diamond. I'd hate to be on my deathbed and regret hours spent saying "Dre Beats suck0rz!!" over and over.


My college dorm killed Floyd for me. You can only hear the Wall be blasting on your floor so many times before you start hating it.

Thanks, that makes sense. But how would I locate music? Say for example my CDs from a friend's band that most certainly was not on iTunes. I understand that during the match process, iTunes will upload what it doesn't have. But how would I then locate this music on my iPhone so I can listen to it?

Okay, what I don't get is, how would I access these songs from say my iPhone? Will it just all show up in my Music app as if it were stored locally?

Those crazy Beatles, did that band ever catch on?

Interesting. Never thought of it that way before. Mmmmmmmm......

Pre or post-op? That makes ALL the difference my friend.

Wow, this is the first time one of my comments actually RESTORED someone's hope in humanity.

So am I alone with having no interest in ever stepping one foot in Dubai?

It has to be super....duh.

@ 13ericralph31 I agree 100%. The picture is a time capsule for the memory. I remember snapping pictures of the Eiffel tower. They were bad photos (my camera at the time sucked), but I remember my friends and I just giddy with the fact that we were in Paris. And now I can look at those shitty pictures and remember.

You sir just made a great comment.

If anything, it is a nice conversational piece. It makes your house look all fucking fancy and shit.

My company is switching from XP to Windows 7 in late 2012, which most likely means 2013. I'll probally be laid off before

I agree 100%. Last week I went to the Four Seasons Hotel in Toronto for a medical conference. The place was $350 a night (discounted because of the conference too!) They charged $16.95 a day for WiFi. My company was paying for it.....but still.

Why is Calvin always peeing on everything?!

The iPhone is totally a rip off of the Atari 2600. Wait, what are we talking about?

Without a doubt. Flying cocks.......everywhere