
So, how long does it take women to make an excuse to leave your place after seeing that thing?

Oh shit, now you've done it

I guess the gin and juice diet does work.

haha, and so there it is. I guess I have become the "knee jerk reaction and then complain in a comments section troll" that I despise. What has happened to me?!?!

What is with the "80 seconds later" part of the clip?! What, like 80 seconds of footage of a rocket traveling briefly into space is far too boring for Youtube? And yet we got the Michael Bay-esque 12 camera angles of the rocket exploding off the ground.


Agreed. I think Gabe is the man and wish he would be healthier so he could actually not die in the middle of HL:E3. Can they get a fucking treadmill in the Valve office?

Gabe should be more concerned with his neck. It got eaten by fat.

I just jumped into my time machine and told my 2009 self about this game. He seemed pretty pumped.

My wife and I actually toyed with the idea of moving to Florida because the housing market is so cheap. But the schools (for our kids) were awful and the job market is abysmal so we decided to stay put in Massachusetts.

This whole Gizmodo vs Apple thing is so one sided. I am not sure many people at Apple gave a shit one way or another for this tech blog before or after this big blowup. For Gizmodo to think themselves so important to insert themselves into the history of Steve Jobs the day of his death is both laughable and horrible.

@Somaone Agree 100% Just google it. You can find cards cheap. I just did a quick Google search and found one for 44.99 on Hell, I only paid $35 for mine during a big Amazon sale earlier in the year (I bought two).

That doesn't apply to me then. I have two daughters that are ages 4 and 20 months old. So basically, my iPhone 4 is fucked up. You ever catch yourself looking for your phone only to find your toddler throwing it at a wall??

I'm probably old too, because I feel the same way. My car radio has an iPod connection and I just have the iPod connected in the glove compartment. I sync it up with updated albums about once a month.

@THomasHiles, I agree we aren't there yet. So does my mobile phone data cap.

Wikipedia citation at the end scares me more than the volcano.

What's in the box?! Somerset.....what's in the box?!?!

Also, guys, stop fucking asking to use MY anal beads.

I agree 100%. I remember last year traveling to Disney with my wife and my two daughters (ages 3 and 11 months). We had to pass my 3 year old daughter through the scanner twice for some reason. Then they asked to check my daughter's bag so they could examine her fucking Mobigo game machine (for those not in the

You have to wonder though how much interaction is needed by everyone? I mean, would the engineers have a benefit ffrom being down the hall from HR? Or do the accountants need to be next door to coders (or whatever the fuck they do there).