
Best concert I ever went to was the Flaming Lips / Beck show. This was around the time of Beck's album Sea Change and the Flaming Lips album Yoshimi.

I agree. $99 for a dedicated emulator? That alone is worth the price.

I don't understand cutting out fruit at all. Naturally occurring fructose is fine when combined with the fibers in fruit which help your body slowly process it. The sheer amount of vitamins and antioxidants alone make fruit a great choice.

Same here! Plus I have this awful problem (albeit an EXTREMELY first world problem) where I am now in the point in my career that I am relatively high up and getting paid really well, so I feel like I have to keep at it. Doing something new would require starting over again at a lower pay which I can't do,

Can they make the controller bigger? Because I totally just lost mine.

Yes they do and I use it quite frequently at the end of every billing period

You have a phone that you find functional and you actually enjoy? That is something to be hated for on the Internet.

I think he means with glasses, it is an issue. I have an active 3D TV and the heavy dark glasses sort of make it hard to see anything besides the TV.

1 bedroom, 4 people. This is usually how murders happen.

Yes, a link would be nice. Don't keep us hanging!!

Came here to say something like this, left reading something better than I could ever come up with. Thumbs up!

I agree. Huge step down between watching a Blu Ray and watching cable.

I never understood it either. And then my mom got one. So essentially 68 year old women will be upset by this news.

No, this happened. My house is in a small rural town. My house is pushed back into the forest and our land abuts a stream. It is a picturesque setting. One day my daughter and I (she is 5) watched a beaver slowly cross our yard, only to lay down and not get back up. “It is sleeping” I told her all the while I was

I wish I could enjoy this video. But it just reminds me of that day over the summer when a beaver walked across my yard and then just dropped dead. :(

The eggroll comment......that was my big fucking laugh for the day. Hats off to you sir.

That site is too tame for me. Oh and did I mention I am dead inside?


Yes!! That makes more sense. I love when people actually correct me and help give me great information instead of saying, "you're wrong assh0le!"

We were told that about our thermostat too. Apparently you can up spending more money by programming it to go up or down 7 degrees while you are way then just leaving it where you like it.