“She will vote for Trump because her Pastor told her to, no questions asked.”
This is a very scary rising phenomenon, which is actually very illegal.
“She will vote for Trump because her Pastor told her to, no questions asked.”
This is a very scary rising phenomenon, which is actually very illegal.
The (Republican) Establishment created all the conditions for Trump’s success. They may not like resurgent white nationalism now, but they sure had no problem with it when it was profitable. That’s the problem with trusting mercenaries with the fate of your country.
Here’s the thing: they don’t CARE if you die. In their minds, you deserve it for doing such an awful thing. They would smile down smugly at your body and picture you roasting in hell with the other sinners, and discuss carting your corpse around to schools so they could use it to scare young girls about what happens…
My guess is they wrap her up in some sort of mold every night to keep everything in place.
how the butterfly headdresses worn by performance artists were inspired by Radiolab
I think a scar kit would be the better option.
Still waiting on the news to discuss when and how he was radicalized...
I’m fairly certain the kids know the guy who voiced the lead in The Lego Movie.
Eh. I’m not big on it either but as far as it goes, this seems relatively harmless. Sure there are logical contradictions but if you want to be all pro-Jesus while doing nice things for people and seeming to be a nice person, then I figure you can be as into 2,000 year old Jewish carpenters as you like.
—As the verdict was read, Holtzclaw, then seated, rocked back and forth, openly sobbing. He continued to cry as he approached the bench.—
Missouri State Representative Stacey Newman is deeply concerned about the state’s gun violence, and figures perhaps…
The toaster one reminds me of the time one of the librarians smelled food and tracked it down to a woman who was sitting at a reading desk with a crock pot plugged in underneath it, cooking chicken stew.
What’s wrong with serving two people 14 drinks over the course of 3-4 hours? As long as they aren’t slurring or acting inappropriately how would you know if they are over-served or not? Obviously they are too impaired to drive, but there’s a huge gap between “too impaired to drive safely” and “too drunk to live…
A week before Quinn Duane’s wedding day, her fiancé decided to call the whole thing off, leaving Duane’s family with…
A restaurant near me J&R’s Steakouse, has an eating challenge where you get an hour to eat a 72oz steak plus sides and it’s free, otherwise it’s $49.99. A bunch of friends went there for my brother’s bday and all 4 of the guys decided it was time to go for it. One ordered it rare, he was done in 24oz, ching ching $50…
The problem is guns. Not mental illness, not misogyny, not male entitlement. Those are other problems, with other solutions. The problem causing mass shootings is guns.
I mean, there are people willing to vote for Ben Carson, so.
I worked in the mountains for a while. A number of our summer season customers asked if the patches of white stuff on the higher parts of the mountains was sand.