
I've gone stemless since my move. I'm sure I'll manage to break some of those too, but they seem MUCH less precarious. BOTTOMS UP!!

I recently moved across the country, and I was relieved that I didn't have to worry about getting rid of/giving away any of my stemware, because I'd broken all but one of my wine glasses that wasn't a freebie from a wine tasting.

I missed one — there are actually 140. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY WINE GLASSES!!!!

Also: 140 wine glasses. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY!!!!!

I actually love that Cowboy Hat Chip & Dip and I'm not even a LITTLE bit ashamed. Now that I've escaped Texas I totally relish this kind of awesomeness. However, the Alligator Chip and Dip.... well that's just tacky.

Who the hell needs 100 wine glasses (80 white, 20 red)???? (I can't wrap my head around the marriage so I'll focus my judgments on the registry)

I was going to post this, so I'm glad you already did!

That hashtag is the only good thing to come out of this.

That makes sense. Thanks for the response!

Which of these products are actually eggless though? The olive oil and the canola one you linked to both show eggs as an ingredient (though how the hell you add eggs and then claim something is "cholesterol free" seems shady.)

They've also aggressively pursued market share in a different way than other vegan mayo's — they are upfront about saying that they want their product to replace/be used in place of regular mayo, and that they want to be available to a broad public (hence Walmart and Dollar Store placement) vs. just wanting to be a


Raw tomatoes are the most vile food on the face of the earth.

IT EXISTS!!!! I did this for a wedding in March and it was GLORIOUS! $50, they mail you the dress in two sizes, you stick it in the envelope they provide and mail it back. DONE.

Best. Comment. Ever.

My BFF was at a wedding last weekend where all the bridesmaids wore white. I've seen some of the pictures, and it was stunningly beautiful.

There's not more to the story, and I'm not giving my anecdote any more value than that: an anecdote. However, infant circumcisions are NOT usually done in the O.R. unless there is a medical condition that dictates that. It is a sterile procedure. (so is putting in a catheter, which is also not done in the O.R., and

I in no way this that this is the norm, I was just pointing out that not all circumcisions are done in a "sterile O.R."

I'm not "lumping all of this together." I don't think this is how ALL circumcisions are done. I was just pointing out that they are also done in an O.R. I am also not anti-circumcision.

I observed an infant circumcision in nursing school. It was NOT done in a sterile O.R., it was done by a first year resident, unsupervised, in a tiny room that was the equivalent of a utility closet. This was at a top rated academic hospital in NYC, too.