Congratulations! And ugh.
Congratulations! And ugh.
Will these butts still hold my skillfully-arranged-to-look-messy wildflowers for my wedding reception centerpieces?!?
I think I seriously need to reconsider my career/life choices. #noseriously #icouldsodothis #lookatmego #howmuchareyoupayingmeagain
Mine is Jeeves. I love Jeeves and my only regret is that my cats refuse to ride on him while he works.
Did we go to the same high school? Because I have this friend. And also this cousin. *sigh*
Wow. WTF?!?!?!
Fucking onions. Beautiful.
I don't have a question today, but I want to say I got your book this week and I LOVE it! Congratulations!! Now if only it cleaned FOR me.....
Don't forget the fedoras!!!
Same. My parents spanked us and we are all fine. I will not spank my (as of yet theoretical) children. I do not advocate spanking. My parents were not abusive (physically, emotionally, or otherwise) - we were sent to our rooms before we were ever spanked and they never hit us in a moment of anger, etc - and I do…
I want to be argumentative because I'm feeling contrary today but... it's just all so true. I can't even argue with the pears, and I like pears!
Can't. Stop. Laughing.
I have sworn that when I move out of my NYC apartment and into a "real" house/apartment with a dishwasher I will name it and pet it and tell it every day what an AWESOME job it does.
It's pretty much universal in NYC restaurants. I actually get taken aback when i go home (Dallas) and the restaurant offers to do separate checks, no problem. You can split the bill on multiple cards, but they do not do separate checks.
In NYC most restaurants won't split the bill for you/won't give you separate checks; you have to do the math yourself.
Dodai, I am LOVING your headlines for this seasons' NYC fashion week!