
Yes. You are more likely to experience microtears in the tissues with anal sex than with vaginal, due to lack of natural lubrication, which makes transmission of HIV more likely.

It is actually harder to transmit than many other STDs/viruses. Unfortunately, the time when someone may be most infectious is when they are newly infected and are in the "acute HIV" stage (and likely have not yet been diagnosed) as they tend to have really high viral loads, making it more probably that they may

I'm so sorry for your loss. :(

I tried watching the debate for Public Advocate today and it just reminded me how much I despise politicians.

My decision each morning around whether or not to wear make-up totally boils down to how much more time I want to spend in bed.

So much This. One of the biggest turning points in my ED recovery was shifting my focus from my appearance to being grateful for what my body could DO. I don't always love my thighs, but I'm fucking proud that they can run 5 miles and walk up and down my apartment stairs every day.

I totally read this headline as "who is the sexist-ist". Phew.

That was my immediate reaction!!

I worked for a doctor once who gave me a Hermes scarf as my "going away" present when I left to go back to grad school. It was one of the most hideous things I have ever seen — navy blue which some sort of nautical pattern. I meant to exchange it for something slightly less hideous but kept forgetting and finally

Oh, the bridesmaid thing is SMART! Color AND you save lots of $$.

One of my friends had a very small traditional-ish wedding in Cali and then threw a huge party/reception when they got back to NYC. They asked guests to wear black and white and the bride wore a gorgeous red ballgown. I loved it. (blah blah blah it's rude to dictate what guests where or something, but come on: most

I think it's combination of "our house, our rules" and also "NAH NAH NAH WE'RE NOT LISTENING!!!" in which they pretend that all of their adult children are virgins and that my brother and his fiancee sleep in separate rooms. Or something.

Oh, I LOVE that solution! Sounds gorgeous. :)

A million times YES. I'm not anywhere close to getting married, but I really would like a splash of color. I'd get married in a red ballgown if it wouldn't horrify my parents/half of my guests.

I never ever get tired of this gif. Ever.

I had to go on birth control for medical reasons when I was in college, which is the only reason that it is acceptable to my parents. I'm 33 (and clearly unmarried), FWIW.

I'm 33 and my brothers are 29 and 25. Last year on our family ski trip we all brought our (unmarried) SOs. We all slept in separate bedrooms by gender, and will until we are Married In The Eyes Of Jesus. My youngest brother just got engaged and his fiance just moved in, and guess who will be sharing a room with her

They totally do. My cats are grown now, but I brought them home when they were under 2 lbs each. Some how those little fuckers could still manage to take over the ENTIRE bed, living my BF and I stuck hugging the outer edges.

It doesn't leave chocolates on my pillow, but it is ABSOLUTELY MAGICAL. I love it and have named it Jeeves. I have cats and I hate vacuuming. The noise doesn't bother me, but most of the time I start Jeeves right as I'm leaving my apartment. You can set it to run on a timer, so if the noise really bothers you it

I Have A Dream that one of my kitties will ride on the Roomba. Leopold still believes that it is absolutely OF THE DEBIL and immediately goes into hiding as soon as starts, but Chloe is intrigued and likes to observe from a safe perch. (it's not nearly as loud/terrifying as the regular vacuum).