I was an E.R. nurse for several years. Gallows humor was the only way to stay remotely sane.
I was an E.R. nurse for several years. Gallows humor was the only way to stay remotely sane.
I'm pretty sure that Leah Remini was raised in the CoS and has been in the church her entire life... so it's a little different than people who join as an adult.
You'd be surprised. I don't even like beets (and I am not vegetarian, though I have been in the past) but I have had some veggies burgers that were beet-based and they were FANTASTIC. My favorite veggie burger by far is beet based.
I feed my kitties twice, once in the morning (wet food) and once at night (dry food). But when I travel I leave out a bunch of food and just have someone come by every other day to give them their wet food and refill their dry food. When I get home there is always plenty of dry food still out - they pace themselves,…
The staff I've interacted with have been absolutely fantastic and SO helpful. I would recommend it without hesitation.
I love Journelle. I went there earlier this summer after I realized that I 1. couldn't actually remember the last time I'd bought a bra, and 2. had not been properly measured/fitted in over a decade/several body changes and weight fluctuations ago. It was glorious and now I have bras that fit AND are pretty. The…
I'm sure the video is online somewhere, but my BF was basically transcribing it for me as Castro spoke, since he was watching and I couldn't (sorry for the weird formatting/typos, I'm cutting and pasting from gchat):
Oh good lord.
That sounds amazing! What is the name of the program?
Not sure, but I do appreciate the "look, no stains!" factor.
I wouldn't, but that has way more to do with living in NYC and my paralyzing fear of bedbugs than my fear of other people's bodily fluids.
This was totally my first thought. ::shudder::
Exactly. Rot in hell/prison.
Ha! Fair point.
Yeah, I saw that as well. It really made the whole thing even more poignant.
That is true. Good ol' Ben. In my brain he basically gets lumped in with "dead white Presidents" even though he was never in office. Still not as fun as Darwin or Austen!
I would love it if we started putting scientists and authors on American money. Our money is so boring!
I have no problems with self-confidence, birth photography, or natural/home birth. Hell, my BFF is a photographer who specializes in birth photography and families and who successfully birthed a 10 lb baby at home. I just have a problem with the way that they assume that they somehow "deserve" this service for free…
Siggi's? I love it, but it's ridic $$. I'll buy it occasionally but usually I can't justify the cost. It's sweetened with agave nectar instead of regular sugar and has about half the sugar content of other Greek yogurts. Also, based on the price I can only assume that it is made out of unicorn milk and then mixed…