Ohsheglows.com has a ton of great, healthy recipes. I also second the PPK suggestion.
Ohsheglows.com has a ton of great, healthy recipes. I also second the PPK suggestion.
Oh please. As someone who grew up in Dallas, I definitely thought "wow, she has great 'Texas blonde' hair!" Clearly she dyes it! Like a LOT of women in Texas! (and elsewhere). WHO CARES?!?!?! If she didn't dye her hair she'd probably be accused of being an ugly feminazi who doesn't care about her appearance because…
Maybe.... but I live in NYC where MOST of the population is Vit D deficient. There's just not enough direct sunlight up here, period. When I worked the night shift I definitely got less sleep overall and constantly felt jet lagged. I would speculate that it has more to do with overall lack of sleep and increase in…
I was an ER nurse on the night shift for 5 years. It was brutal. But the nurses who were still on the night shift after 15+ years were definitely there by choice — there were advantages. Better pay, and better work flow, etc... I didn't understand the ones who worked all night so they could be home with their kids…
"That's alright, that's okay, you're gonna work for us one day!"
Glad to see my alma mater taking this seriously. I'll take integrity over a winning football team any day (which is good, given that we have had two winning seasons in the past 30 years. But 95% of our football team graduates!)
Ha. I totally understand. I had never had cats until I got my two kitty babies two years ago. And then OMG I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND WHY THERE ARE SO MANY KITTY VIDEOS ON THE INTERWEBZ!!!! Because they really ARE that adorable and entertaining!!!
I haven't been able to get through, but friends have confirmed this is actually the governor's office, and that whoever answers just records whether you support or oppose another special session.
I'm trying to call and keep getting a busy signal. Will update if/once I get through.
From my FB feed:
Ugh. Stay out of the comment section on CNN.
Ding ding ding!!! First diagnostic r/o for female of childbearing age with vaginal bleeding = "miscarriage/pregnancy complication." Plus if you need an xray we HAVE to verify that you are not pregnant so that we don't fry your fetus with radiation and you end up suing.
I went to high school in Texas, and we could only have one valedictorian (mostly bc the valedictorian gets a full ride to the state school of his/her choosing, so there can only be one). I was floored when I got to college and everyone was all "Oh yeah, I was valedictorian" and it turned out yeah, but so were 15…
My bf almost got the bat signal in the middle of his chest when he was like 20. Fortunately his girlfriend at the time told him that it was the stupidest things she'd ever heard and he decided on something else. I'm not her biggest fan otherwise but for that I will be eternally grateful.
He's in Boulder. Which is liberal and progressive but is also really really white. I think Denver is definitely more diverse. Colorado Springs just scares me.
We count. We don't ever say anything to the other couple but when one of us sees them we just go "One." Or whatever number we're at for that day/event. (my boyfriend is Hispanic and I'm white. I live in NYC so it's not that unusual here, but hes currently in CO and there are very few interracial couples there)
These gifts sound both adorable AND thoughtful, and I'm sure she will love them!
I like it! And it sounds like it would go well with the couch and the steamer trunk.
This reminds me of my All Time Favorite Shirt that I patient wore when I was working in the ER. Tight brown tshirt with HUGE gold lettering:
Bwahahahahaha. Well played.