OMG, how beautiful and sad. My grandparents have been married for 63 years and I'm terrified to think about what's going to happen when one of them dies.
I'm chopping onions....
Thank you. Ugh.
My ex used to make this argument, even though he believes in equal rights for women and is politically active to that end. He was actually offended when we went to a Planned Parenthood rally and I put a "this is what a feminist looks like" stick on him. He felt that he could be an ally and an advocate, but not a…
Ha! Love it,
Don't worry, we've got that covered too with all the new junk food taxes! Soon they will only be able to buy cardboard with those food stamps.
I went to school in Nashville and was ready to be totally judgy about TN, but I loved it. I would move back. It's cheap, beautiful, and overall the people are really nice. One of my friends moved back last year and she's about to buy a house for the cost of what my down payment would like be here (NYC). There are…
It is very poke- and squeezable! (though he doesn't enjoy it nearly as much as I do)
Why thank you :)
This was my exact reaction! Glad I'm not alone... aaaan found it.
OMG, that is fantastic. It reminds me of driving through Alabama. "Where were you last night? GOD KNOWS!!"
Bwahahaha! "Oh jesus, you have GOT to be kidding me."
He's adorable!!! Congratulations! KITTEH BABEH!!!!
It sounds like a lot of people have provided some good feedback, so I'm just jumping on the "talk to him about it, it's ok for him to pay more" train. When my ex was living with me, I was making almost three times what he was making at the time, and I had no problem paying proportionally more of the rent, etc... I…
I loved your column at the hairpin and am so glad to see that you will be here now! ::eyeballs semi-cleanish apartment... debates which question to start with::
The mini eggs are my FAVORITE. I stock up on that shit.
I was really lucky that my mom was never obsessed with her body/appearance and never made comments about mine. But I will never forget the girl in elementary school who first made me aware that I had bigger thighs/butt than other girls (I had never thought about thighs before), or the uncle who told me at Christmas…
I did my undergrad at a non-Ivy, and it is the school that I identify with (go Vandy!!). I did my graduate degree at Columbia. I was on a OKC date and the guy asked where I did my grad work, I told him, and he just got really quiet and went, "Oh... so you're an Ivy Leaguer." I was so taken aback because it is not…