I'm so sorry for your loss. It is a terrible combination, and there are a lot of tragic endings.
I'm so sorry for your loss. It is a terrible combination, and there are a lot of tragic endings.
I'm so sorry for your loss. ETA: I missed the "almost".... but am still so sorry that you, your mom, and your family are dealing with such a painful problem.
My kitties scurry into hiding at the mere sight of the vacuum.
You're right, facts ruin ALL the fun! Down with citations and down with facts!
I tried to gently blow dry one of my cats once because she slipped and fell in the tub and was DRIPPING wet, and my apartment was absolutely freezing. She hated every second of it. The mere sight of The Evil Vacuum sends both kitties scurrying for cover.
I had the same reaction! However, according to Wikipedia color photography was available much earlier than I'd thought (it was just so expensive that it wasn't the norm for non-professional photographers until the late 50's/60's). One of the other commentors mentioned that she thought these were done with…
I think it will be "on the autism spectrum" or an "autism spectrum disorder", but I'm not totally sure. The DSM-V is going to be interesting.
Thanks for sharing this. I'm so glad you still have your sister!
That's awesome. Go Grandma!
Interesting, I'd never heard this. Thanks for sharing!
That poor man. I certainly can't judge him for how he's choosing to process/deal with his terrible loss. :( Interestingly, the article above includes a link to another article that has a similar story and discusses what states with high rates of gun ownership are trying to do to address this issue (mainly more…
There was an interesting article in the New Yorker (and a movie based on the same) a few years ago about the Golden Gate Bridge and the very similar conversation that community has had around efforts to make it more difficult to jump. http://www.newyorker.com/archive/2003/10/13/031013fa_fact p.s. Are you in Ithaca?…
Thank you for sharing this. I'm glad you're still here, and that you have people in your life that love and support you.
Thank you for sharing this. I'm glad that you're still here.
Thank you for sharing this. I'm glad you're still here.
Yes. I saw a recent graph that looked at only rates of gun ownership and "intentional homicides". To me, this misses the point completely — how many people are dying every year due to accidental gun deaths is just as, or perhaps even MORE, important to the conversation around gun violence and gun control.
I'm sorry to hear this. I know I'm just a stranger on the internet and know nothing about your personal struggles, but I hope that you have/find good people to support you. :(
No, I'm not saying that "guns should be outlawed because someone may use it on themselves." I am saying that it should be part of the conversation around gun violence, gun control, and gun safety instead of just being brushed aside.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience. And I'm glad you're still fighting.
Citation? Because all of the statistics for Australia that I've seen show that there was a significant decrease gun-related suicides WITHOUT a parallel increase in the non-firearm suicides. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2012/08/02/did-gun-control-work-in-australia/ (among many other sources)