
There was an opinion piece in the NY Times recently about the lethality of suicide when guns are involved. This statistic really jumped out at me: "They {firearms} are fatally effective in 85 percent of cases, while pill overdoses succeed only 2 percent of the time." I also find it frustrating that so many people

Doesn't sound like she was in a very clear state of mind... One of my friends works in psychiatry in TN and had a patient come in recently who had shot and killed his dog in a moment of rage. :(

I know, I can't stop thinking about them either. :/ And how this also puts them at greater risk of attempting/committing suicide as they grow up.

Bulimia could. I have NO IDEA if she is or ever has been bulimic, but it would explain the puffy face/puffy cheeks. As well as her extreme weight fluctuations and desire to be significantly underweight.

Why can't you have them? Egg allergy or vegan? I really don't get the appeal of meringue as a cookie. They're basically just sugar and air and are never satisfying to me. Actual coconut macaroons, however, especially those dipped in chocolate?? Come to mama!

I was about to make the exact same comment.

This is also how I feel about jumbotron proposals.

Ha! Oh well.

I know. It just seems so pointless to argue with people who have their minds so made up. I'm thinking about addressing it in a blog post, where I can actually provide a more reasoned response instead of just passive aggressively posting links to things like this article.

Ugh. They are seriously The Worst. Sending non-wooy sanity vibes your way.

Now that is some sound scientific logic!

I think it's because I grew up in the Bible Belt so I have quite a few devout Christians in my feed and they tend to be the more preachy ones among my FB friends with kids... when I used to frequent a vegetarian/vegan forum I saw more of what you're describing.

Thank you!!!

Even though the entire link doesn't appear in your post, the actual entire link is there (visible text is shortened).

Yeah, you'd think. But apparently all of that is actually solely due to improvements in sanitation, or something. Not vaccines.

You cannot say that the kid will be fine, just because YOU have been fine (so far).

On my FB feed, the creationists and the anti-vacciners are often the same people.

I'm so tired of all the anti-vac crap and links to anti-vac Mommy Blogs that keep showing up in my FB feed. That and the effing Weston Price foundation. I don't say anything though, bc if I do I get attacked for not having kids (so I can't have an opinion) or defending the medical establishment's party line (bc I

Oooo, thanks for the tip!

Thank you!!