It depends — if they are part of the court record they could be public documents.
It depends — if they are part of the court record they could be public documents.
The only thing I miss about working nights in the ER was going out for breakfast beer. That was fantastic. I loved every raised eyebrow and under the breath "breakfast for champions" comment. It felt very socially deviant, when in fact we were all about to go home and go to bed at 10 am. The servers were usually…
Same. I never really had mad celebrity crushes, bc I didn't really "get it", BUT in junior high I did have a fantastic posted of Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall. If I still did posters, he would still be in the running. Yum.
Ew, yes.
I skip the response and go straight to the Glare of Death
I say nothing and just turn my frowny face into full-on Bitch Glare.
This. I am so tired of getting online dating messages in text speak. If you can't be bothered to use entire words, I cannot be bothered to respond.
Eek. I don't think she should be fired, but it definitely borders on a privacy violation (date, info about pt's condition). I am a nurse practitioner and I have to say, patient tardiness (and just not showing up for appts) drives me insane. I actually DO run on time, but this can be totally thrown off when a…
Yep. Also: patients no-show for appts quite regularly, so many MD offices double book appt slots to make up for this. Both show up, someone has to wait, and the next person has to wait. MDs are also being expected to see more and more patients in less time to make up for cuts in reimbursement and the general…
Haha, yeah, I have a few friend who kept her name NOT because she cares in the least about taking her husband's name, but because she just couldn't be bothered with all the paperwork.
I have married friends that I know from high school who did this (both changed their names to Her Name-His Name). I think it is fantastic.
This might also: I agree that we need to be concerned about local economies, but quinoa has pumped a lot of new income into those local economies, which significantly improved living…
Go to Spain.
I had a very similar school/extra-curricular load and I WAS very stressed out. However, I'm not sure how much was really do to my schedule (except in the month when musical rehearsals were in full swing and I was getting home at 9 or 10 every night, only to have to be in class again at 7:30 — that month I would be…
Definitely close enough. Damned northeast! I'm so sorry for your loss. :( It sounds like you are taking steps to take care of yourself, and I'm glad to hear you are starting to feel better. Hang in there.
This drives me nuts. If you tell me you're 5'6" and we go out and you are 5'6" I'm not going to think twice about it. If you tell me you are 6' when you are actually 5'6" I'm just going to spend the date wondering what ELSE you're lying about and probably be thinking mean short thoughts that otherwise would never…
It's a pretty basic thing to check but will probably not be automatically included in your bloodwork unless you ask for it/describe your symptoms. Given the symptoms you're describing and your family history your PCP should check it. It's definitely not a crazy special-snowflake uber expensive test.
Idk where you live, but I know that pretty much all of NYC is Vit D deficient. There's just not enough direct sunlight for people to maintain healthy levels, especially since most people really don't spend very much time outside. (Vit D is also the new "it" vitamin so all PCPs are hypervigilant about checking it and…
My ex always did the dishes and it was the Sexiest. Thing. EVER.
Ha. The first time I went the the Metropolitan Museum of Art she said something about how they should really move the nudes to somewhere less right-in-the-middle of everything. Because of the children.