Private browsing. And a very good friend to take my laptop/delete the homemade stuff. That is all.
Private browsing. And a very good friend to take my laptop/delete the homemade stuff. That is all.
Yes. In case of any other unexpected win, please refer to the chart below:
I have a naturally high libido. When I was on antidepressants, it plummeted. I had a significantly diminished interest in sex. I just didn't think about it that much, and when I did it usually wasn't something I felt like doing. When I WAS interested, it took a lot longer for me to get aroused/wet. MOST…
I was on antidepressants in the past and they KILLED my usually-high sex drive and made it almost impossible for me to orgasm. I was able to eventually go off of them, and things went back to normal, but I can relate to where you're at right now.
So... since you are traveling in the U.S. and you know that this IS our tipping culture (whether you agree with it or not), and that 15-20% is standard tip, perhaps you should just mentally add that in when you're ordering and make your choices accordingly. You may not agree with how things are done here.... but it's…
Yeah, this is how it was with my ex. It was just never an issue with us. Neither of us expected the other to look like/behave/etc like the people in the porn and we loved our real-life sex life. Also, it made me feel less weird/wrong if there was something I was curious about (whether because I thought maybe I'd be…
Thank you. I have no intention of letting my kitties suddenly explore all of NYC because they "need their freedom." Going outside TERRIFIES them, even in a carrier, and the chances of them getting hit by a car are incredibly high. They've lived their entire kitty lives in my apartment and are very happy, healthy,…
I loved Dear Abby and Ann Landers. Reading options at our grandparents houses sound remarkably similar, except they took Newsweek instead of Time ("too conservative"), and in addition to the newspaper and Erma Bombeck I also read a lot of Dave Barry.
That is fantastic.
C. diff is actually probably grosser than either a fecal transplant to the yeast infections. ::shudder:: It is, quite literally, some nasty nasty shit.
It is old news, but it's a new study publication, so it's also new-ish news? Or more evidence supporting the treatment option which will hopefully help it become more utilized.
Trust me, this treatment sounds LOADS better to me than repeated episodes of c. diff (shudders and tries to blocks out terrible TERRIBLE nursing school memories... thanks the baby jeebus she now longer changes adult diapers especially for poor people who are basically constant poop machines and you can never EVER get…
Sub Texas for Arkansas and she sounds exactly like my cousin-in-law.
Is it absolutely terrible that I feel a teeny bit schadenfreude-y about the fact that the majority of my friends who are anti-vacc have ALSO been posting all over FB about how all of their kids have the flu? I realize flu vaccine is separate from the normal pediatric vaccination schedule and doesn't protect 100%, but…
Funny, my anti-vac FB friends ALSO tend to be the ones who think the earth is 6,000 yrs old! ARGH.
This sounds like a decent portion of my FB friends. IT IS SO FRUSTRATING!!!!
This reminds me of an opinion piece published in the WSJ earlier this year about how doctors die differently than others, and are much more likely to choose quality of life over quantity of life. As someone who works in the medical field (RN, NP) I've seen how terrible the end can be. I have no desire to endure…
Yeah, and rich kids have access to training, facilities, etc that poorer kids do not. Cherry Creek High School (the school that's whining) is twice the size of Missy's school, is in a rich suburb of Denver, is a Blue Ribbon school for academics, and has won 26 women's swimming state titles. If they lose this year…