
Tell him: hey, we need to come up with a way to divide up the chores OR we need to have someone come in to clean. I had a (female) roommate like this (did not clean the bathroom ONCE in the entire 1.5 years we lived together! NOT ONCE!!!) and we finally got a cleaning person to come in every other week. It was

Bwahaha. I need an excuse to use this immediately!

Thank you!


Exactly. Not me!

I say "gif" like Kathy Lee.... but I am not convinced I am correct.

Top 10??


SHOCK AND AWE!!! I will cross my fingers that you are able to stay "slightly bemused" and not "seriously annoyed." Being sober around a lot of drunk people can be irritating (and I say this having been both the sober and the drunk person in that situation).

I would always like a cookie.

Hey, I used to work nights in the ER. We got off at 8 am. Beer for breakfast was on of my favorite things ever! (also, "real" job is in quotes to indicate it is 9-5, NOT because I think that being a food servant and other off hours jobs are not real work, because they most certainly are)

Pre-func with a C makes so much more sense! "Pre-funking" makes me think "crunking"... not drinking before a function/going out.

Aw, this is awesome and adorable!


I know, it's CRAZY isn't it! Sometimes I go to a bar stone cold sober, have one beer, and then go home. The insanity! See also: being old, having a "real" job.

Yep. Pre-game or pre-party.

Bwahahahaha! Thank you.

Um, I think that is basically the take-away from this article??

EXACTLY!!! Can we please, please just focus on the issues at hand? I feel like this election dragged on forever and ever (because it did), and now, 2 days later, you want me to start thinking about the next one??

Thanks for sharing. Brilliant.