
Brilliant. How do we make this happen?

Is it really THAT hard to just not eat there? I mean, it's not like it's the ONLY fried chicken sandwich in the whole wide world.

Hearted hearted hearted. And much more articulate than my response would have been.

This gives me The Rage on a regular basis.

Bwahahahaha. I think that I am in love with Jerome the Cat. Leopold (my tuxedo kitty) totally approves.

Yep. At my 10 year high school reunion all, and I mean ALL, of the so-called "hot" football d-bag types were fat and balding. Meanwhile the girls they'd ignored in high school blossomed into these stunning looking women. It was awesome.

"Deep Thoughts, with Miley Cyrus."

It's sterile, but the bigger health issue seems to be how it react with the chlorine, which can produce by-products that cause issues with air quality at indoor pools.

Same! I'm proud she's my senator.

LOVE this. I have toyed with the idea of creating an account for my cat, but this is so much better.

Do a search on Jezebel for "Scott Baio".... but you can start here:

??? I'm sorry.... I was responding in support of your comment and making the point that the Baio's have done a lot of other things besides support Chick-Fil-A and tweet about it that make them jerks.

That, and all the other things that make them assholes. This is NOT an isolated, drive-by incident of assholery.

I fat-shame my kitties all this time. "Who's a fatty? You are! Yes you are! *kisseskisseskisses* SOOO fat! Look at that belly!" They aren't quite overweight, but the vet advised that they not gain and he'd prefer to see them 1/2-1 lb lighter. They're fairly active and I already feed them grain-free food well

Exactly. And hide them on Facebook so as not to have a stroke every time we sign-on. Though there are still a few I'd happily ship off to an island.

Leopold could not be reached for comment, but as his representative, I will concur on his behalf

LOVE this. Lucky girl!

*sigh* This is my DREAM!! However, when roommate brought home a puppy the kitties were Not Having It. Poor thing was TERRIFIED of my tuxedo kitty — even after she grew to be more than twice his size she'd still cower in the bathroom as he stalked and glowered at her from outside the doorway.

But see, there's no NEED for first trimester screening if you are extremely anti-abortion/anti-choice. If the MD is vehemently opposed to all abortion, no matter what, then how the baby is progressing in the first trimester is considered irrelevant. And if, OOPS, there are abnormalities, severe defects discovered

Ex-vegan here, and none of this comes as a surprise. There are hidden animal ingredients in EVERYTHING. The vegans I associated with were pretty militant, and very well-versed in hidden animal ingredients, so we shared info about who made lanolin-free gum, etc. (And now of course, there's an app for that!