
Something is terribly, TERRIBLY wrong if you are defending your 3 yo against saying *homophobic slur* by saying "oh no, what he actually said was *fuck it*." Oh, okay. So you don't use homophobic language in front of your 3 yo, you just curse like a sailor. I mean, it's definitely way better than the alternative,

Can we please make Michelle Bachmann PAY for this extra security? It just seems like she should be held accountable SOMEHOW.

At last estimate Romney paid a 13.9% tax rate (I think for 2010?). I make a hell of a lot less $$ than Romney and I paid 17% in federal taxes last year. Eff that. Especially when Romney goes and says shit like "If you want free stuff vote for the other guy" because people want affordable health care. But it's

I'm so sorry for your loss and for the asshat comments.

Only $3?? Hell, I'd go there just to stock up. Way cheaper than my local CVS.

Love it. Can she actually find pink tools that are of decent quality?

Ah, yes, the "let's quote Deuteromony when it comes to be against the gays, but, please pass me another bacon-wrapped-shrimp." I WILL PICK AND CHOOSE MY COVENANT LAWS, THANKYOUVERYMUCH!

Exactly. Remember, the WTC attacks were actually part of God's wrath against the gays in America.

I hope you're kidding. This link might be my new BFF!! (and if you're serious: it's not spam, it references Archer)

Haha. We had winter rush, but I'm pretty sure that my campus actually had rules AGAINST heels in inclement weather conditions, exactly for this reason.

Yes. A diagnosis of Anti-Social Personality Disorder requires evidence of a childhood history of Conduct Disorder. One of the diagnostic criterion for Conduct Disorder is animal abuse.

I'm the same way—plus I get UBER cranky when I haven't eaten. However I've done the BluePrint Cleanse and I was FINE. I actually felt great! I think it's because 1. you are still consuming 900-1100 calories daily on these cleanses so while it is a definitely low calorie, it's not as though you're not taking in ANY

I agree, but as someone who works in healthcare, the knowledge that the so-called "average" person has about their own body and health is appallingly lacking. Things I would consider very basic, NOT requiring any background in science, etc.... And the majority of the MD's I've worked with can't translate medical-eze

Yeah, this was at a small Christian school in Texas. But even when I transferred to public school the local churches had a tremendous amount of influence. In high school we had to cancel our musical one year (Evita) because the Baptist church across the street (where many school board members attended) threatened to

It's ridiculous. Very few of my patients are on adderrall, but those who are have been showing up at my office saying that this month they can only find the 30 mg pills, and then the next month all of NYC is out of everything except the 20 mg pills, etc. It's a prescribing and prior-authorizing nightmare.

This is WAY better than the contest-winning pro-life essay I wrote in 5th grade. Hurray small private school! Though interestingly the award was given to me by the mayor of my city. So... yeah. This was also the year that we learned all about why the earth could not possibly be more than 6,000 years old....


I came here to saw exactly that. I am a psychiatric nurse practitioner. I have had MANY MANY patients stop taking Zoloft because it negatively affected their sexual functioning (erectile dysfunction for men, anorgasmia for both men and women). Never once have a had a patient on an SSRI state that it enhanced their

Per his 2012 campaign website he states clearly that he is against abortion and that as President he would "immediately repeal Roe vs Wade" and would also pass a "Sanctity of Life" act that defines life as beginning at conception. []