
But he's still anti-choice

"More alarmingly, about 78 percent of Americans, even if they don't exactly believe that God made a dude out of nothing and then tore out one of his ribs to make a lady, believe that capital "G" still had some hand in making people, which might only be due to the fact that Gallup framed all of its survey questions in

I find NOTHING encouraging about this. Basically it says: men are looking for crazy idiots that they just want to fuck versus being interested in women with actual intelligence who might want to, ya know, talk about real things. Or expect them to be able to spell.

Ha. We'll we're in NYC but Chloe and Leopold are also into the free love. Also, the occasional protest — boob stomping and nose poking when they feel their rights/breakfast are being impeded upon. They Stand United For Wet Food!!

Yeah, I don't think that "thinking" and "doing" always line up with this one. I would bet that several of those who answered that they do NOT think premarital sex is morally acceptable have also engaged in premarital sex.

I think I'd do the opposite of wince at my partner giving blood (former ER nurse here) and would probably be more like: OMG DON'T BE A BABY. IT'S JUST A LITTLE NEEDLE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, YOU'LL BE FIIIINE!!

What's next? Are they going to say that I'm no longer getting my 2 servings of vegetables when I eat french fries with ketchup? WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?!?

Idk. My kitties were abandoned by their mother very early on and had to be bottle fed until they were old enough to be adopted. They are indoor-only kitties and have all their food needs met. And yet they go CRAZY when there's a bird outside and switch into clucking/stalking/ALL ALERT mode. I definitely think that

Well, being that this article is about indie movies: most of the theaters that I go to here (in NYC) that play indie films don't have kiosks either.

Not my cats. See a bird outside the window? HUNT. Is there a fly? KILL IT. A cockroach? KILL IT. (thank god). Adorable puppy? STALK IT AND TRAP IT IN THE BATHROOM. Feather wand? ZOMG KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT.

This. (except substitute "raging" for "borderline")

This made me think about what I would tell my 22 year old self. Mostly it made me think about the things I would NOT tell her/me. Like how totally fucking lucky she was that she found a job in NYC a month AFTER she signed the lease on an apartment. Or how hard it would be to live on her first salary in the most

I understand. I had an eating disorder and my mother had an incredibly healthy attitude towards food and body. There were other factors in my life that I think contributed to my developing an eating disorder—for me it was less about body image and more about out-of-control emotions, anxiety, family dynamics, and

Why would you be worried about the opposite? In our current culture I think it's almost impossible to get the message that "eating and weight don't matter at all." And I find it a little disingenuous to suggest that this is "might lead to some sort of health problem." Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate

So.... is this like the "Clinton was the first black President" argument? Also, does this mean that my genetically endowed "ghetto booty" (in the words of the boys at my high school) and affinity for 90's rap say something about my racial identity that I was previously unaware of?

I have a M.S. from an Ivy League school and a good paying job. However, between students loans and the fact that my roommate recently moved out there's not a lot left for fancy vacations (or any vacations). So this sounds totally appealing. Too bad I'm so opposed to being the "other woman" and icked out by the idea

Damn straight.

ME. TOO. **shudder**

I tried to get my cats interested in this, but they are currently too busy batting around a plastic bottle cap and climbing into a grocery sack.

Bwahaha. Awesome.