
That sounds amazing. I will definitely take a look. Thanks!

My mother did not let me leave home without knowing how to cook and clean. I do have a very vivid memory of telling her when I was about 8 that I was just to going to hire a maid one day, she'd already taught me how to clean the toilet, and did I REALLY have to do it again? (I did)

I still have the images of warty, pussy peni and vaginas burned into my brain from junior high. ::shudder:: And now I work in an HIV clinic, so they occasionally come up again during grand rounds. Nothing like a syphilitic penis to start the morning off right!

Wait... your church offered comprehensive sex ed? What kind of church was this and what did it cover??

I feel sorry for the guy. His biggest mistake seems to be misjudging Girl #1 and passing the info on to her, not making the spreadsheet in the first place. She's the creep, not him.

I'm guessing it's someone who also doesn't "strap hang with the suckers in Gotham's sewers. Quite frankly, if she got on the subway with her gaggle of Secret Servicemen at rush hour I'd be annoyed.

That's awesome for you Ashley McGuire. I however have the world's most irregular cycle and there is no way in hell that NFP is an option for me right now, unless I just want to play Uterus Roulette. Though of course none of this really even applies to me since as a single woman I am not supposed to have a sex life.

The fact that so many of these "diets" are promoted and supervised by so-called doctors and healthcare professionals REALLY pisses me off. I get that there's money to be made, but OMG. Ethics? First do no harm? I didn't go into healthcare to endorse and cater to patients' disordered eating/body image and vanity.

Your dad is an asshole. Also: um, hello, your FINANCE and hopefully YOU seem to love you just the way you are. So STFU dad.

Next time just smile sweetly and tell her not to worry, because you still have PLENTY of time to go on the coke-and-nose-tube diet on the off chance the dress doesn't fit quite right. The dress you will probably never ever have to wear.

::blushing:: Thanks. I don't see it as amazing, just more like What Had To Get Done. I'm feel really lucky all the hard work and sleeplessness paid off!

Too much coffee, too much sugar, and very good friends. Honestly I'm not sure sometimes. It was difficult and I was so cranky I'm surprised my BFF/roommate didn't murder me. What helped was severely limiting my social activities, trying to stack my shifts so that I had chunks of days off instead of one-on, one-off,

Ugh. Just reading this is giving me flashbacks to the nightmare that was Working Nights in the E.R. While Also Getting My Master's Degree. I was constantly having to switch back and forth between daytime and nighttime. I would work overnight and then go to class, not go to bed until 1 pm and have to wake up at 6 pm

OMG. I didn't know they still made these. I'm pretty good at just popping it in a pan on the stove. BUT my grandparents have one of these at their cabin and it made things SO easy!

Um... recipes please? (are those Isa Chandra Moskowitz recipes?)

They also avoid cochineal in lipstick and any other product it is used in. (I used to be vegan and was part of a Very Vegan online community.)

This bill also includes a provision for the development of technology that will allow fetuses (feti?) to somehow be transplanted into and carried to term by that man, yes? As well as requiring that all representatives that vote "yes" agree to all start adopting all babies from unwanted pregnancies AND universal

Male schizophrenics *usually* but not necessarily have their first psychotic break in their early 20's. There is a wider range of usual age of onset for depressive and manic episodes.

What I want to know is WHO is having sex with all of these asshats??? Or is it that none of them are getting laid and they just want to make sure that no one else can enjoy having sex either?

I think it is regional. The pinching thing was HUGE when I lived in Texas. Now I live in Manhattan and no one has ever commented on my lack of green or attempted to pinch me for it. Thank god.