
new favorite RR ever! This was just delightful.

I saw this movie about five times in theaters when it originally came out, but the best was just a couple of years ago at the 20th anniversary screenings. I think the whole audience was 20/30 somethings (some seeing it with their kids for the 1st time) & I think every person in that theater cried at the brachiosaurus

I was so mad we never got to see that on film. Gennaro being scared shitless when they go to shoot the t-rex & Muldoon just swigging his bottle & flooring the jeep.

I've been enjoying him on Hulk & the Agents of SMASH, which is not a very good show, but Brown as Red Hulk is hilarious.

Holy shit the Wonder Woman ones sold out in about a day. Dammit.

Does anyone who has seen both versions of the pilot know what the "extra 3 minutes" was? I couldn't really tell.

I would watch this. Hiddleston could voice Ikol.

Right? A Jim Jarmusch vampire movie WITH Tilda Swinton. This is perfect.

So Hiddleston is basically my favorite but THIS IS NOT WHAT CHANGE.ORG IS FOR, CREEPERS. Also let the dude move on, for God's sake. I'm looking forward to seeing him in different projects. Damn, people.

I don't remember absolutely everything from the book (I mean, jeez) but I'm disappointed that we're apparently not getting Horace at all.

Thank you for linking to this. I give up on the recaps here. This is terrible.

I don't know if he's intentionally being funny, most of the time, and that makes him more hilarious to me. The thought of him playing Ponies with his daughter brings tears to my eyes.

He doesn't get to be Clark, bumbly cute man-of-my-dreams (shut up) Clark AT ALL? What the hell.

Has anyone here seen a crazy little show called The Almighty Johnsons from NZ? The premise is that the Norse gods are reincarnated and living in NZ. It's soapy and silly but I found it a fun guilty pleasure. Keisha Castle Hughes and Dean O'Gorman are in it. I had to torrent it, but apparently it was shown in Canada at

Did you have like, 5 minutes to talk to him or something? Why is this so short? This could have been the best Random Roles ever.

I guess it does have its…charms, but as they say in the article, it does well by the canon. Watson really is the best part, though.

The Russian Holmes is fantastic. If you're a Sherlock Holmes fan (not even a ridiculous completeist like I am) you will absolutely enjoy it. Completely awesome. Solomin is one of the best Watsons ever.

Superman and Sherlock Holmes, around the same time. Never fallen out of love with either of them.

Cedar Point is a must if you love the coasters. I haven't been there for a couple of years but it used to be a yearly trip. They have a pretty great Halloween event, too.