
Yeah that part was cool. I can't believe it took them three movies to get to those guys, though. I hope this one has some aquatic dinos in it.

Hey we have some good stuff in Ohio, especially if you like amusement parks. Or filming Captain America movies. Still if dinosaurs showed up it would be 1000% more awesome.

Aww man, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea! That scared the crap out of me/delighted me beyond belief! Haha! Also HG Wells. The BEST.

Absolutely. I could probably recite the entire thing right now, too. I like a lot of filmed versions, but I never miss Alastair Sim or the Muppets every holiday season. Just wonderful.

Peter S. Beagle is a goddamn treasure. He also wrote one of my absolute favorite Sherlock Holmes stories of all time: "Mr Sigerson," which is collected in his The Line Between and also the Sherlock Holmes: The Hidden Years collection. It's narrated by random violinist Norweigan (I think) dude, but it is fantastic.

I never actually read the one about Polly. I couldn't get into it for some reason. I'm sort of relieved to hear that people didn't like it. I wondered if I've been missing out all these years.

It's pretty fun. I grew up (and still am) a dinosaur nut so when I found out the author of my beloved Holmes had written a dinosaur book it was like THE BEST THING EVER. It probably is more enjoyable if you're a kid but honestly Doyle's non-Holmes adventure tales about Challenger and Brigadier Gerard are pretty neat.

My dad read Sherlock Holmes out loud while I was still inside my mom. We reread them every year (along with the Hobbit and Narnia) until I was old enough to read them myself. I'm now in a scion society of the Baker Street Irregulars and Holmes has had a significant impact on my life and who I am as a person. Adore

I hate Christmas, the whole Christmas season, everything about it, and I don't really know the reason, but I adore A Christmas Carol and will defend it to my last breath. Also the Grinch.

The book is just enchanting. This is one of few films that still makes me cry my eyes out 20+ years after I first saw it. Absolutely perfect.

Bunnicula!! I read those so many times that my copies fell apart and I had to get new ones. Chester was adorable. For years I imagined that our family dachshund and cat were secret bffs who saved the world from monsters whenever we went out somewhere (you will never convince me they didn't).

Oh wow, the Wolves of Willoughby Chase. I haven't thought about that book in years. I need to see if I still have it. Loved that book.

The depth of my love for this book cannot even be expressed in a comment. I've reread it almost every year since I first stumbled across it when I was nine or ten. I like the rest of the books in that series, especially Many Waters (the Noah time travel thing with the twins) but Wrinkle is just the best. I actually

Monster at the End of This Book!! Grover is the BEEEST.

I didn't read Lolita until I was an adult, but I loved it. The writing is gorgeous. Shit, I want to reread it now.

Either The Last Unicorn, A Wrinkle in Time, or A Christmas Carol. I have others which are my favorites (I am a massive Sherlock Holmes fan,  and Lord of the Rings is pretty close to my heart, too) but these are three books I could read every year and never, ever get sick of them.

I really liked Kirk on my first viewing too, but this second time around I'm kind of indifferent to him. He doesn't annoy me but he's not really all that funny, either.

I agree. I think he's great in Supernatural. He's often overshadowed by admittedly better actors like Ackles, Collins, and Beaver, but when he's good, he's great. I'm thinking of the season 5 episode "The End" when he's the-devil-in-future-Sam (Samifer) — "I win, so I win." Still gives me chills. And in the funny

If I lived in Supernatural's universe, I would never, ever eat at Biggerson's. How many people have been killed/died in one now?

I am a total sentimental sap, but "The Hunt" is one of my favorites. My dad's house burned down last year and he lost his beloved cat and dog. A short while later we were watching the show on Netflix as kind of comfort (it's always been "our thing") and we watched this one. Commence both of us, tears and gross