Bronze Sebs Fever

Perhaps, but informing douchebro that his comments/behavior are inappropriate helps your case when you go to your boss or HR.

Thank you. This is my experience with Hanzo. I do perfectly fine if the team does their job, I do horribly if the team doesn’t do their job. I can switch, but the result is the same because the team as a while fails to function.

I don’t even understand what helps in any situation.

It’s far too often that players want to point the finger at a specific role as being at fault. DPS performance doesn’t happen in a vacuum and every character is capable of outputting damage to contribute to a kill.

PUBG now exists. I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to assume that a very large chunk of those rather toxic players have migrated over to that shooter.

I wonder how much of this is also due to kids being back in school. The internet gets meaner between the months of June and September.

I’m not a person that ever looks in the arcade menu so I actually forgot about that mode. That makes a lot of sense as well. A lot of the conflict came from players that just wanted to let loose with a specific character. Or maybe even just wanted to practice with them without switching.

I think something that might have helped was school starting back up for the year. I had A LOT of kid sounding people screaming obscenities and racial slurs in my ear May - July, very few before and after.

...mother! F

Season 5 of Overwatch was fucking atrocious.

It’s the question of anonymity. You’d never see this when you played in person because 1.) you picked the people you played with and 2.) if someone was shitty you just wouldn’t play with them anymore. It would be fantastic if toxic players were cordoned off to their own little section of Overwatch so everyone else

Gen X here. Maybe I was lucky, but I don’t remember this crap happening at the arcades over Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat or Killer Instinct.

I’d love your perspective on e-sports as well. Many publishers have been hands-off so far, but there’s been increased interest from Blizzard and Riot in controlling the output of (and profits derived from) competitive content. My argument has always been that viewers are watching streams of this material BECAUSE it is

I would love to see the option for adults-only servers. Not just in Overwatch, but every game. I don’t harass kids, but I’m really not interested in interacting with them either.

What’s great about mechanical keyboards is that they allow you to press more keys at once without any issues, which is great because it gives you an excuse to be obnoxious and have a sense of superiority about what type of keyboard you use.

Sorry you got fired from Google.