Bronze Sebs Fever

until she felt a gentle pop and the world was warm around her.

And edibles, of course, are the easiest of all. You’re going to want to change out the packaging that’s got 95 OZ THC or whatever printed all over it.

“Wanting to make sure the Duggars have plenty of money” is not a legitimate or sensical reason to keep them on television.

I agree; there’s definitely a self-esteem/confidence aspect to it.

This is an interesting look into the pathology of how us Jezzies feel about a guy whipping his dick out. People seem to be amused, bemused, and/or ambivalent about Pratt doing it, but in a million and one other circumstances a guy who does this would be derided as a creep.

Agreed, but it’s better than if she’s actually in rehab for addiction or something.

Stop looking at it through the lens of “this is about me and how I can present myself.”

One of the amazing things about Jill Lepore is that, when she examines a question like this, she doesn’t just go “oh well lgbt people have white men, and society loves white men and hates women.” She digs in deeper, and examines how each argument was justified in court as they relate to a variety of trends in society.

This sort of argument makes me fairly uncomfortable. It’s like this way for white, straight women to downplay the effects of homophobia and claim a victory in the oppression olympics while appearing intersectional. White straight women have made many, many gains over the decades, some of which aren’t sticking. Lgbt

Right? Fail me, lower my grade, idgaf, but you’re not sticking anything in me I didn’t ask you to, and you sure as hell aren’t going to do it in a classroom setting. Someone should’ve called shenanigans on that instructor ages ago.

I like her, but more in that way you like a friend that’s always saying ridiculous and tone-deaf things, but like she means well, so you keep her around because she livens up your cocktail parties, ya know?

I mean,

I actually do have vaginismus and have had a transvaginal ultrasound and that sentence shocked me. While the vaginismus wasn’t the worst at the time of the ultrasound, it just took some extra time and lube. I can’t even imagine someone being like, here, let me stimulate you a bit. If you’re already nervous and

I believe it. I’ve seen grad profs abuse their power so they could abuse their students for their own gratification before.

Yeah, let’s hate on Gwyneth Paltrow again. I swear Jezebel writers, you do more hating on successful women than almost the fucking MRA’s.

Thanks for this. I understand the reflexive “Ew!” reaction to some degree but I’m a biomedical researcher and this is really starting to drive me nuts. Everyone wants their drugs and products tested, but not on animals, and also not on people (raise your hand if you’ve ever volunteered for a Phase 1 clinical trial,

I get that, but this is a publicly run JuCo offering career training for sonogram technicians, not some bizarre, unaccredited cult school in the mountains.

I think the first time an instructor in any JuCo class says “drop your pants and lube up,” your first move is to find an administrator.

Eh, no more creepy than blinding little bunnies and slowly roasting baby mice to death.