That’s disgusting. Coke is clearly superior.
That’s disgusting. Coke is clearly superior.
I stole my parents’ cable company info and just access everything I want through their online account.
Fuck the fuck off buddy. Let’s cry about mascots and logos instead of real issues going on in the native american community smh. Look at me I’m standing up for something. grab a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up.
Not that being dead ever stopped Chicago residents from participating in the electoral process.
On the bright side, they missed out on this election too
Thank you for posting this. As soon as I stop crying for the 75th time I’m getting on the Addison bus with a box full of chalk. I have quite a few names to add to that wall.
Go fuck yourself
Great way to start a morning. A comment filled with Custer.
The closest they got to actually threatening was when they put two on with two out in the seventh, and the score at 7-2.
the Indians never quite threatened, but they constantly threatened to threaten
Yeah, those are not nearly as impressive as Washington’s wins over Portland State, Rutgers and barely squeaking by a terrible Arizona team. 🙄
It’s like people don’t remember how insanely shitty taxicab service was.
So his grasp of Hindi and English are about the same!
2/3 * 0 = 0. Science.
This series is not helping my grandfather’s dementia. He saw the two teams on TV and looked more confused than ever.
I think you’re burying the lede here, Patrick. Did the Broncos actually retire John Lynch’s number after 4 seasons? And they were only a dominant team for one of those years, 2005. Honestly, if that’s not white privilege, I don’t know what is.
This is obviously nonsense. The Astros are an American League team, so they couldn’t have met in the World Series. Also, there’s no way “Dustin Hermanson” is a real name.