
Right... but I thought they were making jets this whole time. My mistake. That's why I was surprised to hear that their first production jet is still in the "coming soon" phase.

The problem is we have been told this for 40 years Stefan. In the 70's we were all going to die from climate change in 10 years. Politicians and activists were screaming it and marching about it. It never happened. The same thing has happened continuously. Different names different effects, but always the "We only

I can't tell if you're a global-warming-denying troll or not. You sound like you are, but if not then I apologize for the following.

Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretty nasti...

It's ok as long as you don't drink more than 16oz. Anything over that is illegal.

A good documentary of this is "Azorian: The Raising of the K-129." It's on Netflix.

That was the Hong Kong remake. Guy eats 50 egg rolls in an hour.

Using my mouse's scroll wheel to browse down to the comments, that last image is somewhat of an optical illusion while you are scrolling down.

In fact, they got their hands on all the ingredients they'd need to produce a radioactive dirty bomb.

As I note in my response to Cleric/Innkeeper below, I'm not persuaded that hyperbaric oxygen is clinically beneficial in treating brown recluse bites. I did not use hyperbaric oxygen treatment myself.

Kind of reminds me of this:

MY favorite story about Climate Change is the the one that talks about all of the plant and animal species never seen before that are being uncovered as a glacier is retreating.

Currently reading The Circle. Thought I would maybe save myself from some spoilers by only reading the first sentence or so. Fail.

So you're saying there IS a bit of a benefit, then... Good to know.

Yeah, but the mouse farts don't shrink your balls.

so you're saying there is a chance?