hey guys don't give me any lip
hey guys don't give me any lip
I have heard don't mix beer and liquor—stick with one or the other on your drinking night.
I have heard that if you let air hit cancer, it grows faster.
Except at this frequency, any rain would kill the signal in interbuilding transmission... and the buildings couldn't be much more than a half-mile apart. If your clients have buildings in the desert, OK; in Seattle, this tech wouldn't really work well.
Really short. As frequency goes up, wavelength goes down. Home wireless at 2.4 GHz has a wavelength of 12.5 cm. The wavelength of a 237 GHz signal would be 1.3 mm. That's pretty small for radio waves.
You have a candle of wax, Max?
No; it's a candle of bronze, Fonz.
There are millions, maybe billions, of lifeforms on our own planet more "primitive" than us. We may have wiped out some species. Some primitive people even. But our causing-extinction rate is much, much, much less than 1%.
So, all previous precedent points to wipeouts being rare things. Your logic is not well founded…
Like the poet said,
"Jock-o-mo fee-na ai na ne.
Jock-o-mo fee-na ne."
Perhaps this is where the ObamaCare servers were also housed.
Looks like the son of ED-209.
Look I'm with you bub, you and I are way more evolved libertarians than those guys were.
People for democracies can be said to be democratic, people for republics can be said to be republican, and people for liberties can be said to be libertarian. Civics (which is sadly a rare beast in U.S. public schools these days) taught me that our country was founded by people who were (in the sense that they valued…
I suspected this. Glad someone tested it.
I believe embryology is not your calling. Just a hunch.
Big problem, yes.
But 100 mSv/year will not "greatly increase the risk of cancer" insofar as the word "greatly" is taken to mean. Radiation carcinogenesis risk displays a roughly linear response with exposure: about 5% per seivert (caveat emptor: there are tons of assumptions in this figure). Hence, 100 mSv is 0.1 Sv,…
Define "random"—but yes, "acts of nature" definitely created all these brains you see here. These brains are chemically transformed, natural carbon dioxide and water with some nitrogen and other trace natural elements thrown in... with all the elements (except hydrogen) having been naturally created in the cores of…
Well... not every cell always contains the same DNA in all people. And then there are those cells that don't even contain DNA ;) One hypothesis for why melanoma is thought to be rather neurotropic (easily spreads to the brain) is that skin melanocytes, when they de-differentiate into melanoma, "see" the brain as their…
Interesting fact: in the embryo, the cells (the ectoderm) which eventually form the brain are the same cells which will eventually form the skin.