while having moral issues about black men kneeling for that stupid song while protesting inequality.
while having moral issues about black men kneeling for that stupid song while protesting inequality.
like human platters, if that makes sense.
Isn’t “getting a championship” the only legitimate reason you need?
Sure thing, Vizzini
As I understand it, and please correct me if I’m wrong, local investors paid vastly inflated prices to get in on the third or fourth ground floor of soccer, and buy a franchise of this lesser sport since they couldn’t afford the NFL prices or understand the superiority of hockey. So now that they’ve paid up for a…
Labor sometimes forgets that it’s a class, but capital never does.
Okay, but people pay $300K for memberships to his golf course. If I invite you over to my house for Christmas and take a dump on the rug, sure it’s technically still my call, but I’m also a huge dick for doing so.
Music nerds!
The double-nutter of the middle school young republicans is fucking hilarious. Excellent timing and aim of the off-screen second shooter.
My favorite response was “There has never been a terrorist attack at my house. I masturbate incessantly. Draw your own conclusions.”
Way Toulouse your shit, bro.
“Checking in.”
I know everyone has opinions on these people, but generally I’m just overall sad about the layoffs. This is a lot of people flooding the market in an industry that’s not exactly thriving.
You forgot to capitalize the B. Its snowBalls.
Ball is like a black, literate version of Trump that actually loves his sons.