
while having moral issues about black men kneeling for that stupid song while protesting inequality.

like human platters, if that makes sense.

Isn’t “getting a championship” the only legitimate reason you need?

Sure thing, Vizzini

As I understand it, and please correct me if I’m wrong, local investors paid vastly inflated prices to get in on the third or fourth ground floor of soccer, and buy a franchise of this lesser sport since they couldn’t afford the NFL prices or understand the superiority of hockey. So now that they’ve paid up for a

Labor sometimes forgets that it’s a class, but capital never does.

Okay, but people pay $300K for memberships to his golf course. If I invite you over to my house for Christmas and take a dump on the rug, sure it’s technically still my call, but I’m also a huge dick for doing so.

Music nerds!

The double-nutter of the middle school young republicans is fucking hilarious. Excellent timing and aim of the off-screen second shooter.

My favorite response was “There has never been a terrorist attack at my house. I masturbate incessantly. Draw your own conclusions.”

This took me entirely too long to make.

saying derogatory things about Mr. Met’s mom …. which led to the gesture because of a personal matter with his mom.

Way Toulouse your shit, bro.

“Checking in.”

I know everyone has opinions on these people, but generally I’m just overall sad about the layoffs. This is a lot of people flooding the market in an industry that’s not exactly thriving.

Jeb Bush: Please clap.

Yup, definitely the cover for the next “A Gronking to Remember” book.

You forgot to capitalize the B. Its snowBalls.

Ball is like a black, literate version of Trump that actually loves his sons.