Scandinavian Flick

In the interest of full disclosure, you just made me really hungry...

I was just about to post:

Could have been a lot worse. If you manage to hit them while they're still in their caterpillar stage, that's when they can do some serious damage...

You just opened a huge can of caterpillars there. Prepare to be schooled by noobs.

Good call on that. I suppose his paycheck comes from AOL bankroll anyway, and thus, it is their guidelines that are being violated. Just as with the company I work for, it is the parent company's handbook that I sign and that company's name on my paychecks, thus it is their rules that I follow.

I think I addressed a lot of this in my response to Mad Science. Ray pointed out a few things as well above me. To me, the main reason for posting this article is the fact that this puts journalism, as a profession, into question. That sucks... a lot... My opinions on a lot of things on this site, and the way it

The problem with shared responsibility is that it shares the same core principle as finger pointing. It shifts blame from the person who is solely responsible for their own actions. I am not saying Jeff is doing this, but a large number of commenters here are doing that for him. In the lending example; people have

I really miss you, Jo and pj around here, but I have to disagree with you; Jalopnik did not get him fired. Glucker got himself fired when he decided to violate a clearly defined ethics code. His post pushed a promotion that was being run by another company. A company that signed his paychecks. Any company would

Exactly, but it's not even really a grey area. That's why there are company lawyers that clearly write these policies out, so there is a clear definition of what can and cannot be done. I am sure that AOL and Huffington Post both have these things written out in no uncertain terms, just like my non-media based

People in the comments making comparisons to ad revenue influencing reviews and such need to realize; there is a very fine, but distinctive and important, line between benefiting from ad dollars and straight up shilling for a company that signs your paychecks. I can come up with examples from many non-media

With some more newspaper origami you can create;

I've gotten quite a bit of mileage out of that one :)

I must remember to bookmark this when I get to my home computer. Thanks for the info!

Boy, listen you here... Y'all don't know shiet about proper fencin'. I tells ya, we practically invented fencin' here in 'murica. Talk to me about fencin'... boy I aughta slap you right silly. When we settled this here frontier, we laid that there fence all across this great nation. You wanna talk to me about

How did I not know such a glorious thing exists?

Do you mean, perhaps, "Gimmi"?

Those are fun to collect on trips to the junkyard. They're not cheap brand new, and they are great to have around for various under-hood wiring jobs.

Pics or shens.

Do you think that may have somewhat influenced your review? I mean, without Shawd, your're missing out on a lot of squeezage potential. I think it should have picked up a few extra points there.