Scandinavian Flick

Full Disclosure: Heinz wanted us to drive the 2012 ketchup packet so badly, they put us up in a Motel 6, gave us a coupon for 50 cents off fries at In-n-Out, a 2 for 1 movie pass, parking validation, and a voucher for a free drink on our next visit. A disgruntled cab driver was waiting for us at the hotel with the

Did you try informing them that you have 1000+ followers? Oh well, at least you can put it on your resume.

I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true. It's hard to sum up a commenter such as yourself. There were a lot of people asking where you went, and wishing you would come back. A lot has changed, but I'll save you the rant. I took a long hiatus a while back, but I realized I couldn't leave the people here. Something

Ash is one of the truly great commenters from Jalopnik history. He is the first commenter to reach 1000 followers through commenting on Jalopnik alone. (I believe pauljones is the only other to achieve this) He used to get COTD so frequently, Matt said he specifically was avoiding giving it to him to give others a

You know, I wasn't ever one of the ones to jump on the bandwagon of bashing your commentary, but statements like "I'm sorry, but the kid had it coming" in this context are a quick way to get me there.

Holy crap! Ash!!! :D

Why the heck don't you have a star? That was fantastic...

One of the great articles of Jalopnik yore, written by our man Matt Hardigree, really does well to point out why some of these are, and always will be, some of our greatest car memories: []

Reminds me of my first trip to the drag strip. It was in my first car; the pictured '84 Volvo 242DL. I loved that car to death, and I found every opportunity to hoon it, but let's face it, 85hp to the wheels (a generous estimate) is not exactly the fastest way down the quarter mile tarmac. It ran a solid 18.75 at

Hey, you're still around! :D

This is tragic... It's amazing how quickly things can go wrong. My deepest condolences to the families of those involved.

Chevy Flyze

Wow, aren't you an ignorant little piece of shit.

Regardless, It's still NSFW. I'd be sorting boxes in the mail room by the end of the week if I consistently turned in Photoshop work that terrible. It's completely not sufficient for work.

Nowhere near as late as my reply to your late comment! :-P

Also, don't forget; you've been driving around. That giant chunk of steel that serves as a wheel is going to be hot as all unholy hell. Better pack some gloves in the emergency kit!

So many points to be had there...

"But I wouldn't call parts capable of 8000 hp aftermarket."

I have a similar story!

I always admired people with the balls to race in the rain. It's enough of a challenge just getting to work safely in that stuff.